John Longworth · @john4brexit
3 followers · 2968 posts · Server

RT @Facts4euOrg: 2016: Remainers threatened voters with immediate recession on a Leave vote – what actually happened?
Facts4EU summarises 2016-2022 UK economic growth for and .
Your summary is here:
@johnredwood @Jacob_Rees_Mogg @DavidJonesMP


#Brexiteers #Rejoiners #brexit

Last updated 1 year ago

Professor Chris Grey’s analysis on how the Protocol and the Retained EU Law Bill processes rumble on undramatically but with potential for crisis and chaos, the idea that is dying, and thoughts on how will need to build and sustain a β€˜big tent’.

#northernireland #brexit #Rejoiners

Last updated 2 years ago

OurFlagUK #RejoinEU #FBPE · @OurFlagUK
145 followers · 122 posts · Server

This would have been so much smarter since the "ideological civil war" would then have been between separate and difficult-to-reconcile Leaver camps instead of those divisions being sidelined by the much more dramatic (but arguably preposterous and entirely unhelpful) framing of a contest between and / [2/2]

@wtfrank @jackLondon

#leavers #remainers #Rejoiners #RejoinEU

Last updated 2 years ago

Lady de Lancelevee · @LansleyA
881 followers · 613 posts · Server

Yes, he is.
Brexit has paralysed Labour and will continue to do so until the Tories turn it off.


If Starmer cannot understand the benefits of freedom of movement and how essential it is to the UK, he is not going to get the votes of - now an estimated 52% of the electorate!

What a stupid man!
- let us down and paid the price
- Is Starmer equally as naive?


#Rejoiners #corbyn

Last updated 2 years ago