RT @hussainhaidry@twitter.com
Today is the 7th day since Zubair got arrested.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hussainhaidry/status/1543705143505346560
RT @hussainhaidry@twitter.com
Today is the 7th day since Zubair got arrested.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hussainhaidry/status/1543705143505346560
A joke called judiciary. Islamophobia & "morning walk fears" have led them do inhumane things.
Hope these judges get maximum prison time when this rot is cleared.
RT @NoumChomsky
Zubair basically tweeted one frame of this movie from 1980s.
Note that the censor board has not censored the scene!
They just need a reason to arrest & scare him & they found one of his meme from 2018!
#IStandwithZubair #ReleaseZubair
Please donate whatever possible to help with Zubair Bhai's legal expenses.
#ISupportZubair #ReleaseZubair