The long version:
In the Secular City Debate volume (1966), in addition to a response to the collected essays from others, Harvey Cox also offers a short essay: "Beyond Bonhoeffer - The Future of Religionless Christianity."
In it, Cox suggests Bonhoeffer foreshadowed and was enlivened by many of the issues animating/bedeviling American theologians in the radical 1960s. But what's interesting is that Cox is a bit embarrassed to suggest Bonhoeffer as an important source to continue to study and learn from (quote on next toot):
#Religiodons #bonhoeffer #intellectualhistory
The moment you realize that you have a legitimately good reason to assign some #PhilipGlass listening in a non-music class -- that is a good moment!
Using Glass's #Akhnaten opera in a #History of #WorldReligions
survey with hopes that it will encourage students to also think critically about stories/metanarratives of #Religion and our participation in its construction as students/scholars. We'll enjoy the main Hymn to the Sun aria but also use its presentation, along with the discussion of Akhnaten in the #AriaCode podcast and our course readings, to consider what story is being told about religion more generally -- and what other possibilities are perhaps obscured by those choices.
Trying to find ways to infuse a critical approach with some subtlety (i.e. no/few theoretical readings, minimal jargon).
The Aria Code podcast episode on the Akhnaten Hymn is one of my favorites of the series!
#philipglass #akhnaten #history #worldreligions #religion #ariacode #Religiodons
Greetings! Marquette University Press is just getting established here. We’re looking forward to connecting with scholars and other readers interested in #philosophy, #theology, #history, #MedievalStudies, and other areas of the #humanities and social sciences, as well as regional studies relating to the city of #Milwaukee and state of #Wisconsin. Aligned with the mission of #Marquette University, we are also interested in interdisciplinary, #ethics-focused scholarship in the humanities, including in the areas of #UrbanStudies, #EnvironmentalHumanities, #DataEthics, #Communication, and #MediaStudies. We’re delighted to be here!
#AUPresses #philosodons #religiodons #histodons #envhum #Jesuit #SocialJustice
#philosophy #theology #history #medievalstudies #humanities #Milwaukee #wisconsin #Marquette #ethics #urbanstudies #EnvironmentalHumanities #dataethics #communication #mediastudies #aupresses #philosodons #Religiodons #histodons #envhum #jesuit #SocialJustice
Is there any connection between the fact that both #Channukah and #Christmas are marked/begin on the 25th of the month (December and Kislev respectively)? Connected to Sol Invictus perhaps? #Judaism #Christianity #Religiodons
#channukah #christmas #Judaism #christianity #Religiodons
📢 In our Monday Meeting on 5 December our guest researcher Dorota Wójciak will talk about indices and self-referential messages in Catholic rituals of the Polish Podhale highlanders. Read more and join us via Zoom:…
#sfb1475 #metaphorsofreligion #metaphernderreligion #MoRe #metapher #religiodons #metaphor
#sfb1475 #metaphorsofreligion #metaphernderreligion #more #Metapher #Religiodons #metaphor