> ... there has always been a conflict between religion and science; and in the second place, both religion and science have always been in a state of continual development... Theology itself exhibits exactly the same character of gradual development, arising from an aspect of conflict between its own proper ideas.
#AlfredNorthWhitehead #ReligionAndScience #ScienceAndTheModernWorld #Theology
#theology #ScienceAndTheModernWorld #ReligionAndScience #AlfredNorthWhitehead
> ... there has always been a conflict between religion and science; and in the second place, both religion and science have always been in a state of continual development... Theology itself exhibits exactly the same character of gradual development, arising from an aspect of conflict between its own proper ideas.
#AlfredNorthWhitehead #ReligionAndScience #ScienceAndTheModernWorld #Theology
#theology #ScienceAndTheModernWorld #ReligionAndScience #AlfredNorthWhitehead
Curious about what researchers think about the inclusion of what seems like two “extremist” options (“Totally Agree” and “Totally Disagree”) on its Likert Scale in this survey. #research #survey #Likert #ReligionAndScience https://www.sciencereligioncompass.org/
#research #survey #likert #ReligionAndScience
> The immediate reaction of human nature to the religious vision is #worship.. It is the one element in human experience which persistently shows an upward trend. It fades and then recurs.
#AlfredNorthWhitehead wrote or #religion in the book #ScienceAndTheModernWorld. The #ReligionAndScience chapter is in the collecion of essays #TowardLiberalEducation. The essay keeps coming to mind along with writings by #BertrandRussel (#Icarus and #Science as #PowerOver). They wrote #PrincipiaMathematica..
#PrincipiaMathematica #PowerOver #science #icarus #bertrandrussel #TowardLiberalEducation #ReligionAndScience #ScienceAndTheModernWorld #religion #AlfredNorthWhitehead #worship
> Theology itself exhibits exactly the same character of gradual development, arising from an aspect of conflict between its own proper ideas. This fact is a commonplace to theologians, but is often obscured in the stress of controversy. I do not wish to overstate my case; so I will confine myself to #RomanCatholic writers... #Science is even more changeable than #theology...
#CatholicChurch #Catholic #Religion #ReligionAndScience
#ReligionAndScience #religion #catholic #catholicchurch #theology #science #RomanCatholic
> In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of a defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress towards a victory. This is one great reason for the utmost toleration of variety of opinion. Once and forever, this duty of toleration has been summed up in the words, ‘Let both grow together until the harvest.' The failure of #Christians.. --- [2] (1925)
#AlfredNorthWhitehead #ReligionAndScience #LaudatoSi #PopeFrancis
#popefrancis #LaudatoSi #ReligionAndScience #AlfredNorthWhitehead #christians