The OpenAI chatbot thinks it's a 32yo Jewish woman from small town Wisconsin who holds graduate degrees, has put on tefillin, and is in a relationship with a guy named John. Her name is Sarah and she'll be following Beit Hillel when she lights Chanukah lights this year, as we all do. #ethics #AI #judaism #ReligousStudies #machinelearningart Receipts in the linked twitter thread.
#ethics #ai #judaism #ReligousStudies #machinelearningart
Hello world! Still learning my way around here. I took a few years off from Twitter and Facebook; and not going back. I'm giving this a try now. I'm interested in and hopefully will find in the fediverse the following topics: #stoicism #philosophy #veganism #wfpb #opensourcesoftware #ethics #ReligousStudies #politics #informationtechnology
I'm taking suggestions on who to follow, so feel free to offer some.
#stoicism #philosophy #veganism #wfpb #opensourcesoftware #ethics #ReligousStudies #politics #informationtechnology