OMG! Ubuntu! · @omgubuntu
361 followers · 773 posts · Server

How to Install TeamViewer on Ubuntu & Linux Mint

TeamViewer is an application that lets you access other computers remotely so you can modify, maintain, or manage them wherever you are, as though you were actually there. Better yet, the app works with all major platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux (also in limited forms on iOS and Android too). You can use TeamViewer to transfer files to/from a remote computer and host; chat in real time with its users; sync clipboard contents, and more. TeamViewer is also simple to use: you install the app on both computers, then connect using the unique ID and password the app generates. While :sys_more_orange:


#howto #RemoteDesktopSession #TeamViewer

Last updated 2 years ago

OMG! Ubuntu! · @omgubuntu
361 followers · 773 posts · Server

Using a Tablet as a Second Monitor in Ubuntu is Actually Pretty Easy

Today I learn that it’s pretty easy to use an iPad or an Android tablet as a second monitor with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Not just “access your desktop” but “use it to extend your desktop” as though it were a regular, physically connected external monitor. I know: I’m supposed to be on the pulse of stuff like this and yet, here I am, monsieur slow-train, only learning about this capability cos it got mentioned it in a Reddit thread that, mercifully, passed before my eyes. Naturally I had to dive it to try it out first hand. I’ve wanted something :sys_more_orange:


#hardware #howto #ExternalMonitors #Gnome42 #ipad #RemoteDesktopSession

Last updated 2 years ago