@Sfwmson I’ve a better one for that …
He was 3 months old with a broken leg.
#Renoir #artdogs #dogsofmastodon
From Monet at The LUME, Newfields, Indianapolis.
Camille Pissarro's "Country Landscape", Armand Guillaumin's “Quai d’Austerlitz,” Pierre-Auguste Renoir's "Bouquet in a Vase" of 1878 and Claude Monet's “Charing Cross Bridge, London,” about 1900.
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#impressionists #art #artists #Monet #Renoir #paintings #Indianapolis #Lume
#lume #indianapolis #paintings #Renoir #monet #artists #Art #impressionists
Staring enigmatically at an unseen object to her right, the black-haired woman bears a striking resemblance to the person depicted in Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s painting Gabrielle.
However, art connoisseurs disagree over whether the work, which is owned by a private Swiss collector, is the real deal.
Now, artificial intelligence has waded in to help settle the dispute, and the computer has deemed that it probably is a genuine Renoir.
#AI #Art #Renoir #France #switzerland
[Zwei Frauen am Meer, ins Gespräch vertieft, St. Thomas, 1856
Junge von der Insel; Selbstporträt 1873]
Den #Antisemitismus, vor dem schon sein Vater geflohen war, bekam #Pissarro besonders in der #Dreyfus-Affäre zu spüren, auch von Malerkollegen, ua. #Degas, #Cézanne, #Renoir.
#Renoir #Cezanne #degas #dreyfus #pissarro #antisemitismus