One in three tenants borrowed money to pay rent in last month | The Independent
#tenants #rent #housingcosts #costoflivingcrisis #debt #shelter #socialhousing #PrivateRent #RentersReformBill #renters #yougov #affordablehomes #AffordableHomesProgram #evictions
UK’s rental shame: tenants paying four times as much of income as homeowners on housing | The Independent
#rent #Rents #homeownership #homeowners #renters #landlords #councils #CouncilHousing #Gove #labour #housingcrisis #shelter #RentersReformBill #affordablehomes #socialhousing
London renters protest landlord investment show
While 4 in 10 landlords have no debt on their properties, renters across the country are facing inflation-busting rent increases.
#LandlordInvestmentShow #LondonRentersUnion #RentHikeEvictions #RentersReformBill
#landlordinvestmentshow #londonrentersunion #renthikeevictions #RentersReformBill
Will the #RentersReformBill do anything to help the #UK’s #rental market - and tenants?
#rental #uk #RentersReformBill
Yes, banning no-fault evictions is a good start. But renters are still at the mercy of rogue landlords | Dan Wilson Craw | The Guardian
#NoFaultEvictions #NoFaultEvictionBan #RogueLandlords #landlords #renters #section21 #HousingAct #RentersReformBill #homelessness #RentersReformCoalition #LocalHousingAllowance #Housebuilding
Feels like opportunity missed on #RentersReformBill. Glad no fault evictions finally banned but loophole to help landlords avoid it, no proper rent controls, nothing to tackle cold & damp in homes. Renters deserve justice - this doesn’t cut it @ACORNunion
End to ‘no-fault’ evictions won’t bring security
Recent data from Shelter also reveals that tenants who report disrepair are twice as likely to be evicted in retaliation.
#LondonRentersUnion #NoFaultEvictions #RentHikes #RentersReformBill #Section21
#londonrentersunion #nofaultevictions #renthikes #RentersReformBill #section21
Bill will allow stealth ‘no-fault’ evictions
Without hard limits on in-tenancy rent increases, landlords can use large rent hikes to force unwanted tenants out.
#Evictions #LondonRentersUnion #No-faultevictions #RentersReformBill #section8
#evictions #londonrentersunion #No #RentersReformBill #section8
About time @michaelgove - it’s *four years* since the Govt announced plans to abolish Section 21 evictions and nearly a year since you published a White Paper - we will be looking very carefully to see if the promises made in that have been watered down
RT @RentersReformCo: 🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: @michaelgove says the #RentersReformBill will be out next week!
We look forward to this momentous day - four years after the Government first promised to end no…
Good to catch up with @RentersReformCo to keep pressure on government to deliver the #RentersReformBill to guarantee the security renters desperately need, & to stop unfair evictions, spiralling rents, dangerous disrepair, benefit discrimination & nowhere near enough social homes