If you look at Trumpโ€™s polling he is absolutely crushing it. His numbers are good enough that he may even be able to overcome cheating at the polls if he properly implements a canvassing/harvesting machine soon & properly preps for the inevitably necessary lawsuits. That said, I am of the belief that the 1 issue that could split his base & cost him the election is the vaccine.

Make no mistake, I support the Donald and admire all he did but we are not at Election Day yet and, when Primary and Election Days come, if Trump has not addressed the 800 pound gorilla in the room - the poison death jabs - I think a substantial number of people will have no choice but to truly question his judgement. I will be amongst them.



#deathjab #elections #truth #vaccine #maga #trump2024 #Trump #godwins #RenzRants #TheTomRenzShow #substack

Last updated 2 years ago

Today we found out which Republicans in Missouri are voting NO on House Bill 1169. Please reach out to them and let them know how disappointed you are that they don't back informed consent and .



#TheTomRenzShow #RenzRants #truth #godwins #NUREMBERG2 #InformedConsent #HB1169 #wethepeople

Last updated 2 years ago


Today we found out which Republicans in Missouri are voting NO on House Bill 1169. Please reach out to them and let them know how disappointed you are that they don't back informed consent and .



#TheTomRenzShow #RenzRants #truth #godwins #NUREMBERG2 #InformedConsent #HB1169 #wethepeople

Last updated 2 years ago


The idea of in food has been around for a long time & is definitely possible. Here is a great article from the year 2000 with a wonderful picture (look at page 3) of exactly how this would be done in vegetables. Here is an article published in the (you know - by our government) talking about foods โ€œunder applicationโ€ to be genetically modified to become edible vaccines - FROM 2013. Below is a screenshot taken of a Google search for โ€œfood as a vaccineโ€ taken on Sunday April 2, 2023 (Iโ€™m certain Google will begin hiding search results soon but at the time it returned 456 million results!).



#truth #vaccine #DiedSuddenly #wethepeople #mRNA #InformedConsent #missouri #HB1169 #TheTomRenzShow #RenzRants #RenzNews #substack #nih #vaccines

Last updated 2 years ago

RENZ TESTIFIES @ Missouri House

โ€œMy question for the people of Missouri and for the representatives here, which one you thinks that your people don't want informed consent? I'm not asking you to ban an MRNA vaccine. I'm not asking you to ban a gene therapy. All this bill does, all this does, is require that the people who are potentially subject to this get informed consent, it was very carefully structured for that purpose, there is no conspiracy theory it's quite factual, and you can read it, it's only two pages, thank you.โ€

The language of the bill - house.mo.gov/billtracking/bill

You can find my complete testimony here and know that I have a lot more coming - rumble.com/v2eqxha-lobbyists-f

@dbongino @vigilantfox @TuckerCarlson @NeputeWellness @MalcolmOutLoud


#RenzNews #ForGodFamilyCountry #RenzLawfare #RenzTestifies #TheTomRenzShow #RenzRants

Last updated 2 years ago

Why is the lying about ? This bill only requires disclosure of the product introduces a that could ALTER your genes! The chamber has sold out to . If you live in Missouri call the chamber & tell them to quit lying & selling out. KEEP YOUR EMPLOYEES INFORMED ABOUT THEIR HEALTH. Less sick time & informed consent. Btw - this is happening with the chamber in most states. @NeputeWellness @davidwhited @DougBillings



#ForGodFamilyCountry #RenzLawfare #RenzTestifies #TheTomRenzShow #RenzRants #corruption #wef #truth #BigPharma #genetherapy #HB1169 #chamberofcommerce #missouri

Last updated 2 years ago

Did we really have this many coincidences? Ok, so maybe a few food processing plants catch on fire, maybe a plane crashes into one, maybe there's an industrial accident or two, how many are there going to be before we start saying what's going on here? It's almost like this is coordinated, so much of our infrastructure is under attack it just looks bad. Then look at what we've done to our military, we've forced them to take jabs, we've poisoned them, we have healthy young people dying right and left, anybody, anybody? I'd love to know the died suddenly numbers for the military, of course you'll never find that, I guarantee you that's buried. What about the long term health issues, are these guys able to fight?


#RenzRants #TheTomRenzShow #ohio #SoftTargets #patriotact #deathjab #truth #DiedSuddenly #COVID

Last updated 2 years ago