Jules · @afewbugs
372 followers · 1713 posts · Server social.coop

@SamYourEyes checkout the @restartproject (they have a good podcast) and local !


Last updated 1 year ago

Q · @qyd0ro
10 followers · 51 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

Good day!

Today we talk about : a "new" reality that is slowly but surely emerging from the ashes of the idea of being of .

These places of foster a and use of technology, by substituting the of the with that of the repair .

And we from who buy>consume>buy(again) to who learn how to their own devices by themselves!


#RepairCafes #consumers #technology #aggregation #smarter #ecological #culture #throwaway #tech #diy #lab #transform #techidiots #hardware #powerusers #fix

Last updated 1 year ago

@suearcher and I volunteer as repairers at four in Greater Manchester, a different one each Saturday morning, in rotation. We have been doing that for about 5 years. Sue does fabric and small items, I do electrical, mechanical, furniture, and anything else random.

We can certainly offer advice on what it is like but we encourage others to do the setting up and admin as we don't like that side of it.

I was instrumental in the first one starting up in Chorlton.


Last updated 2 years ago

Petra van Cronenburg · @NatureMC
1111 followers · 4686 posts · Server mastodon.online

@Marmous @publicvoit Yes, there are fortunately many similar projects like this, f.e. repaircafe.org/

is more the combination of still good parts for something "new". is mending real holes, cracks, wear and tear.

So yes, both work for and can be easily combined. And it's a lot of fun!

#slowfashion #visiblemending #FixingFashion #RepairCafes

Last updated 2 years ago

horald007 · @horald007
6 followers · 32 posts · Server troet.cafe

Hallo Leute, gibt es die sich mit unserem Repaircafe vernetzten würden? kirche-raderthal.de/angebote/r


Last updated 2 years ago

No, but it has impacts and knock on effects on family and where you might be welcomed.

I think gone are the days of villages looking forward to the tinker, and other journeymen arriving to offer their skills.

Though might be the restarting of that concept.


Last updated 2 years ago

Gus · @gus
294 followers · 413 posts · Server vis.social

@rybaby This is one of the reasons I like the idea of so much! It makes sense to have a free community space where people can come together to get help from neighbors to borrow tools or fix their things together!


Last updated 2 years ago

· @StefanBlasel
191 followers · 1346 posts · Server machteburch.social

Eine interessante Möglichkeit Infos, die euch interessieren, in die eigene Timeline gespült zu bekommen, ist die Mitgliedschaft in Gruppen mit bestimmten Interessengebieten: a.gup.pe/ Es geht u.a. Um , , , ein Fragen und Antworten Forum, eine - Forum, , , |s, Linguistik.... und eine Gruppe, die du gründen kannst

#neuhierfragen #Umzugshilfe #feditips #fahrrad #RepairCafes #geschichte #fediverse #philosophie #brettspiele #vegane

Last updated 2 years ago

mupan 📚 · @mupan
243 followers · 7564 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

@don Um bezahlbare Hardware kümmern sich ja Vereine wie z.B. die @computertruhe und . u.ä. wiederum um Internetzugang. @digitalcourage , Linux User Groups, viele gute Blogs, Vereine usw. kümmern sich um freie Software, Bildung und Agitation. Ich hirne immer, wie wir bloß diese guten Initiativen vernetzen und koordinieren, statt uns zu zerstreiten und immer weiter zu diversifizieren. Kräfte bündeln, statt sie aneinander zu verschleißen. Und das Netzwerken natürlich nicht dafür zu nutzen, Aufgaben ungleich zu verteilen. Das kennen wir aus kapitalistischer Lohnabhängigkeit, sollten wir uns abtrainieren.

#freifunk #RepairCafes

Last updated 3 years ago