#RepairDay yesterday and I sorted out a box of old devices. Rubberised plastic can "bleed" over time making it sticky. Isopropyl, aka rubbing alcohol, and a clean cloth removes the residue. Took a few goes but an old USB hub, 2 umbrellas and a wind-up torch cleaned up like new!
RT @GreensEFA: Fixing a broken phone is difficult & expensive. Doesn't make sense for your wallet nor the environment.
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #RepairScore, but it's missing the price of spare parts.
On #RepairDay, join us asking @EU_Commission to include it: https://act.greens-efa.eu/fixit?source=gg_twitter_digitalfortheplanet_2022-10-15
Fixing a broken phone is difficult & expensive. Doesn't make sense for your wallet nor the environment.
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #RepairScore, but it's missing the price of spare parts.
On #RepairDay, join us asking @EU_Commission to include it: https://greens.eu/3Csy6F7
Man kennts: Spider-App aufm Handy-Screen. Reparieren ist zu teuer & stressig.
Good news: @EU_Commission bringt einen #RepairScore damits leichter wird. Leider fehlen zB Ersatzteilpreise.
Petition für günstiges Reparieren für alle #RepairDay @GreensEFA👇🏻
Riparare la tecnologia oggi è un processo difficile, costoso e dannoso per l'ambiente.
L'UE sta per lanciare un #RepairScore, ma senza specificare il costo dei ricambi.
Oggi è il #RepairDay , unisciti a noi chiedendo
@EU_Commission di includerlo: https://greens.eu/3Csy6F7
RT @GreensEFA: Fixing a broken phone is difficult & expensive. Doesn't make sense for your wallet nor the environment.
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #Repa…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/rosadamato634/status/1581250577589473280
Heute ist Internationaler #RepairDay! In🇩🇪werden nur 22% defekter Elektrogeräte repariert. Durch mehr Reparatur können Ressourcen geschont & CO2-Emissionen vermieden werden. Das Recht auf Reparatur ist ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft. https://www.annacavazzini.eu/briefing-das-europaeische-recht-auf-reparatur/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anna_cavazzini/status/1581222376536014849