It keeps getting better!🤩
@europarl_en has voted for an #ecodesign law that will force companies to make products that last long and are easy to repair.💯
Find out more here:
#RightToRepair #RepairScore #eWaste #PlannedObsolescence
#ecodesign #RightToRepair #RepairScore #eWaste #plannedobsolescence
Imagine a Europe where repairing your devices is convenient & cheap.
The @EU_Commission can make it happen with a #RepairScore.
But spare parts prices must also be included in the proposal to truly benefit Europeans.
Join our call, sign the petition:
RT @GreensEFA: Companies have made repairing devices difficult & expensive. The consumer & environment pay the price.💸
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #RepairScore, but it's missing something crucial: the price of spare parts…
📝 Ask @EU_Commission to include it:
RT @GreensEFA: Companies have made repairing devices difficult & expensive. The consumer & environment pay the price.💸
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #RepairScore, but it's missing something crucial: the price of spare parts…
📝 Ask @EU_Commission to include it:
Companies have made repairing devices difficult & expensive. The consumer & environment pay the price.💸
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #RepairScore, but it's missing something crucial: the price of spare parts…
📝 Ask @EU_Commission to include it:
RT @GreensEFA: Fixing a broken phone is difficult & expensive. Doesn't make sense for your wallet nor the environment.
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #RepairScore, but it's missing the price of spare parts.
On #RepairDay, join us asking @EU_Commission to include it:
Fixing a broken phone is difficult & expensive. Doesn't make sense for your wallet nor the environment.
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #RepairScore, but it's missing the price of spare parts.
On #RepairDay, join us asking @EU_Commission to include it:
Man kennts: Spider-App aufm Handy-Screen. Reparieren ist zu teuer & stressig.
Good news: @EU_Commission bringt einen #RepairScore damits leichter wird. Leider fehlen zB Ersatzteilpreise.
Petition für günstiges Reparieren für alle #RepairDay @GreensEFA👇🏻
Riparare la tecnologia oggi è un processo difficile, costoso e dannoso per l'ambiente.
L'UE sta per lanciare un #RepairScore, ma senza specificare il costo dei ricambi.
Oggi è il #RepairDay , unisciti a noi chiedendo
@EU_Commission di includerlo:
RT @GreensEFA: Fixing a broken phone is difficult & expensive. Doesn't make sense for your wallet nor the environment.
@EU_Commission is set to launch a #Repa…
Die @EU_Commission plant einen #RepairScore, um zu bewerten, wie einfach & günstig ein E-Gerät zu reparieren ist. Der Preis von Ersatzteilen findet aber keine Berücksichtigung! Fordert die 🇪🇺 COM auf, das zu ändern:
#RepairScore #rechtaufreparatur
RT @beuc: There's a lack of more sustainable products in the EU. And when such products do exist, they are barely identifiable. So besides a bigger availability, a #RepairScore could help consumers.
Read our colleague @IsaLNeira's interview with @EU_ScienceHub:…
Onderweg naar Straatsburg voor plenaire week.
Onze prioriteiten:
1. #RepairScore, zodat je meteen weet hoe snel jouw aankoop te repareren is
2. #PayTransparency want blootleggen loonverschil kan loonkloof wegwerken
3. #Artikel7 rechtsstaat EU: net nu EU-waarden beschermen
[2022-04-04 09:20 UTC]
#RepairScore #PayTransparency #Artikel7