#ClimateEmergency #ClimateNecessityDefense #MontgomeryCountyMaryland #Rockville circuit court appeal trial wednesday april 26 8:30am
@joebiden, #DeclareEmergency take legal executive actions to reverse rising emissions
#LandBack #ReparationsNow #EnvironmentalJustice
Press Release - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y-ii_0IJLWHB1SzTR1iQxl_DfjeBao2b2qydVeUHCKs/edit?usp=share_link
#climateemergency #climatenecessitydefense #montgomerycountymaryland #rockville #declareemergency #landback #ReparationsNow #environmentaljustice
"First tiktok from todays action!! Hope y’all enjoy the humor :)"
sharing this from @climatedefiance at
#NoNewDrilling #KeepYourPromise #NoNewLeases #KeepItInTheGround #ClimateEmergency #EnvironmentalJustice #LandBack #ReparationsNow #DefundThePolice
#NoNewDrilling #KeepYourPromise #NoNewLeases #keepitintheground #climateemergency #environmentaljustice #landback #ReparationsNow #DefundThePolice
Climate Activists SHUT DOWN Top Biden Advisor's Event After He Approves Willow Project
#ClimateDefiance #NoNewLeases #StopWillow #ClimateEmergency #KeepItInTheGround #LandBack #ReparationsNow #StopCopCity
#climatedefiance #NoNewLeases #stopwillow #climateemergency #keepitintheground #landback #ReparationsNow #StopCopCity
#FERCtoFREC #NoFalseSolutions #EnergyJustice #LandBack #ReparationsNow #KeepItInTheGround #BernieSanders #ElizabethWarren
Three years ago, as Presidential candidates, Senators Sanders and Warren publicly endorsed the idea of changing the broken and corrupt Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) into a Federal Renewable Energy Commission — FREC. Today their leadership is needed again as lead sponsors of our FERC to FREC legislation.
Can you join me in calling on them to introduce the FERC to FREC bill? Click here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/tell-senators-sanders-and-warren-its-time-to-introduce-ferc-to-frec-legislation?source=email&
#FercToFrec #NoFalseSolutions #EnergyJustice #landback #ReparationsNow #keepitintheground #berniesanders #elizabethwarren
I acted out of necessity, fearing my survival and the survival of all of us – President Biden please do your job
https://kolektiva.social/@ahinz, might be jailed today by @MontgomeryCoMD for some days for participating in non-violent civil disobedience calling for @joebiden @POTUS to declare a #ClimateEmergency https://www.declareemergency.org/our-demand. Support him by joining the call for action with @DecEmergency #LandBack #ReparationsNow #ClimateJustice #KeepItInTheGround #NoFalseSolutions
#climateemergency #landback #ReparationsNow #ClimateJustice #keepitintheground #NoFalseSolutions
California's important #Reparations push:
California Panel Sizes Up Reparations for Black Citizens https://nyti.ms/3VIr4nS
(DM me if you hit a paywall and would like me to "gift" you this article—I can gift 10x/month as a subscriber.)
#reparations #quaker #ReparationsNow
#Russia must pay for the destruction it's wrought on civilians and their infrastructure in #Ukraine, and here some of the most fertile farmland in the world. #ReparationsNow
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/tomaburque/status/1595941956592377856
#Russia #Ukraine #ReparationsNow
I've added a set of images from the following to my website:
London, UK. 12th November, 2022. Climate justice campaigners march to demand urgent climate finance and reparations for loss and damage for global south communities as part of a Global Day of Action called by African climate campaign groups at COP27.
Full image slideshow at: https://www.markkerrison.com/portfolio/G0000ObfNo2w8hF4/I0000gY2.a98pTN0
#documentaryphotography #LossAndDamage #climatejusticeisracialjustice #ReparationsNow #climatejustice
#ReparationsNow #Ukraine is winning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcH4h3wv8DA
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/tomaburque/status/1592556783863988224
What should we do if we truly mean "never again"?
1. #JustStopOil
2. #ReparationsNow
3. #IncreaseForeignAid (and actually deliver it abroad not at home).
4. #RefugeesWelcome and their home countries rebuilt so they can survive there
5. No #FossilFuel lobbies at COP27
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/catherinerowett/status/1590983852964515840
#JustStopOil #ReparationsNow #IncreaseForeignAid #RefugeesWelcome #fossilfuel
RT @Debt4ClimateCH
Unsere Aktivist*innen blockieren einen Viertel der CH-Erdölprodukte in der Raffinerie Cressier und fordern, dass die Schweiz ihre historische Rolle in der Klimakrise anerkennt und die Schulden des Globalen Südens erlässt.
#DebtForClimate #ReparationsNow
RT @Debt4ClimateCH@twitter.com
Our activists are blocking a quarter of the Swiss oil products at the raffinerie Cressier right now.
They demand that Switzerland recognizes its historic role in the climate crisis and cancels the debt of the Global South.
#DebtForClimate #ReparationsNow
"We"? "We don't agree"? This is utterly appalling. This government does NOT speak for us. Get them out, and let us make proper amends for the sins of our past (and stop committing to more racist policies as we speak). #ReparationsNow
RT @marcusryder: UK in global minority refusing to vote for UN resolution against racism.
Partly because: “We do not agree with claims made in this resolution that states are required to make repa…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/catherinerowett/status/1579379269939376131
RT @Debt4ClimateCH
Seit Jahrzehnten leisten Menschen in Nigeria Widerstand gegen die Zerstörung ihrer Lebensgrundlagen. Die Aktivist:innen solidarisieren sich mit diesen Kämpfen und fordern die Schweiz auf, Verantwortung zu übernehmen. #DebtforClimate #ReparationsNow
#PeopleNotProfit #DebtForClimate #ReparationsNow
RT @Debt4ClimateCH
Les militants ont été évacués. Le pétrole raffiné à Cressier repose l'exploitation coloniale et conduit à de graves crises humanitaires dans le monde entier.
Nous continuons à nous battre pour la justice climatique !
#ReparationsNow #DebtForClimate
Die Aktivist*innen haben heute in Cressier mit einer Blockade auf koloniale Zusammenhänge aufmerksam gemacht.
RT @Debt4ClimateCH
The crises are all connected. Fossil Fuels cause destruction, crises and war all around the world.
The only way out is a system change. Keep fossil fuels in the ground!
#DebtforClimate #ReparationsNOW
#DebtForClimate #ReparationsNow
RT @Debt4ClimateCH
The activists blocking the only oil refinery in Switzerland demand a cancellation of debt from the Global South!
#DebtForClimate #ReparationsNow
RT @Debt4ClimateCH
Die Aktivist:innen sind momentan in Gewahrsam. Soweit sind aber alle wohlauf.
Heute haben wir in Cressier eine Tilgung der Auslandsschulden des Globalen Südens gefordert und uns mit Widerstandskämpfen weltweit solidarisiert.
#DebtForClimate #ReparationsNow
RT @Debt4ClimateCH
Die Schweiz muss die historische und neokoloniale Rolle des Landes und der in der Schweiz ansässigen Unternehmen bei Umweltzerstörung und Menschenrechtsverletzungen anerkennen, aufarbeiten und berichtigen.
Wir stehen in Verantwortung.
#DebtForClimate #ReparationsNow
RT @Debt4ClimateCH
La Suisse doit reconnaître et rectifier le rôle historique et néocolonial du pays et des entreprises basées en Suisse dans la dégradation de l'environnement et les violations des droits humains.
Nous sommes responsables.
#DebtForClimate #ReparationsNow