A Nebraska Republican claims abortion caused the state's economic woes since the "population has not grown except by those foreigners." In other words, if your party screws the economic pooch, why not just blame women?
#politics #uspol #uspolitics #republicans #gop #gqp #news #replacementtheory #racism #sexism #xenophobia #immigration #nebraska
#politics #uspol #uspolitics #republicans #gop #GQP #news #ReplacementTheory #racism #sexism #xenophobia #immigration #nebraska
The people whose ancestors, for centuries, have specialized in DISPLACEMENT are worried about “replacement.”
That’s rich.
In fact, it’s hilarious.
“Replacement theory.”
Get th’ fugoutta here.
#ReplacementTheory #MAGA #WhiteNationalism #SlaveTrade #HumanTrafficking #IndianRemoval #TrailOfTears #ManifestDestiny #Islamophobia #antiSemitism #antiAsian #antiImmigration #reservations #slavery #genocide #segregation #racism #bigotry #paranoia
#paranoia #bigotry #Racism #segregation #genocide #slavery #Reservations #antiimmigration #antiasian #antisemitism #islamophobia #manifestdestiny #trailoftears #indianremoval #humantrafficking #slaveTrade #whitenationalism #MAGA #ReplacementTheory
"Tucker Carlson discusses immigration patterns in the United States this year, and says that the people who are migrating to this country, because of their lack of education and skills, can't really contribute to American prosperity."
#tuckercarlson #bias #fascist #fascism #immigration #vote #economy #replacementtheory #embarrassing
#tuckercarlson #bias #fascist #immigration #economy #embarrassing #areyounotembarrassed #fascism #ReplacementTheory #vote
"Umvolkung is a term in Nazi ideology used to describe a process of assimilation of members of the German people (the Volk) as a way for them to forget about their language and their origin." -Wikipedia
It is a far-right conspiracy theory used by Filip Dewinter of Vlaams Belang to frame immigration as "an ethnic genocide and cultural suicide" of white people.
He gets to promote his new book at Ghent University...
#umvolkung #omvolking #ReplacementTheory #fascist #conspiracy #filipdewinter
#umvolkung #omvolking #ReplacementTheory #fascist #conspiracy #filipdewinter
#nwo #ReplacementTheory #shitpost #gab #redpilled #shitposting #ye #memes #thenoticing
A Fringe Conspiracy Theory, Fostered Online, Is Refashioned by the G.O.P.
Replacement theory, espoused by the suspect in the Buffalo massacre, has been embraced by some right-wing politicians and commentators.
#racism #hate #hategroups #gop #corruptgop #replacementtheory
#racism #hate #hategroups #gop #corruptgop #ReplacementTheory
A Fringe Conspiracy Theory, Fostered Online, Is Refashioned by the G.O.P.
Replacement theory, espoused by the suspect in the Buffalo massacre, has been embraced by some right-wing politicians and commentators.
#racism #hate #hategroups #gop #corruptgop #replacementtheory
#racism #hate #hategroups #gop #corruptgop #ReplacementTheory