The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year | McKinsey #AI #reports
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning #AI #education #reports
Ziv Kitaro (He/Him/His) on LinkedIn: #ai #chatgpt #work #reports #prompts #promptengineer
#AI #chatgpt #work #Reports #prompts #promptengineer
I think some League of Legends reports and punishments are now handled by AI. Anyone else suspect this or know for sure what's up? #leagueoflegends #AI #reports
In-Depth Report of Quantum Security and PQC Market Size #Insights #Reports #Slider #postquantum_cryptography #pqc #quantum_security #The_Quantum_Insider #The_Quantum_Insider's_market_intelligence_platform #quantumdaily Current communication protocols heavily rely on public key encryption, digital signatures and key exchange, but the ability of quantum computers to efficiently solve mathematical problems threaten these protocols, which, essentially, are r
#Insights #Reports #Slider #postquantum_cryptography #pqc #quantum_security #The_Quantum_Insider #quantumdaily
Why is it so difficult to handle whistleblower reports?
#Business #Ethics #Whistleblowing #Whistleblowers #WhistleblowersLaws #WhistleblowerProtection #Reports #Difficult
#business #ethics #whistleblowing #whistleblowers #whistleblowerslaws #whistleblowerprotection #Reports #difficult
Gosh wouldn’t it be WACKY if HYPOTHETICALLY people flooded their inbox with #spam disguised as #concerns? 🤡
Man -- you know what is truly awful? Is when a lot of people make a lot of plausible but false #reports, so it just fills up with a bunch of #data they can't realistically sort through.
Like wouldn't it be especially horrible if people were to do something like use #chatgpt to generate #realistic sounding #complaints? I think these #antifascist trouble makers even use #VPNs to disguise where the complaints are coming from.
It would be really bad if someone were to #reblog this post with #information about how to safely get and use a #VPN.
#spam #concerns #Reports #data #chatgpt #realistic #complaints #antifascist #vpns #reblog #information #vpn
Hey #PowerBI peeps, I'll be on #ToolTalk with Artur König and @mthierba on Tuesday, March 21st.
We'll talking about a little #ExternalTool I wrote for #PowerBIDesktop called #PbiToolsWatchPS, which launches a #PowerShell window running #pbitools in #WatchMode on the current #pbix file. The purpose of this little tool is to minimize the effort and number of steps necessary to #commit changes to Power BI #reports and #datasets into a proper #VersionControl system like #GitHub, #AzureDevOps, etc.
Please join us #LIVE on Tuesday, March 21st, give us your thoughts about the current state of #CICD and #DevOps / #DataOps for Power BI, and tell us about your favorite #ToolsOfTheTrade!
RSVP for the #ToolTalk session on #LinkedIn here:
Download #pbitools here:
Download #PbiToolsWatchPS here:
#powerbi #tooltalk #externaltool #powerbidesktop #pbitoolswatchps #powershell #pbitools #watchmode #pbix #commit #Reports #datasets #versioncontrol #github #AzureDevOps #live #cicd #devops #dataops #toolsofthetrade #linkedin
In what reality is the comfort of five goats valued over the shelter of more than fifteen people?
These people live here, in the Cut. Some of them have made this camp their home for over 4 years. Many of the occupants of this camp grew up in St. John’s and in some cases have roots going back generations, bu
#Reports #Antireport #Housing #Sweeps
#Reports #antireport #housing #sweeps
Anonymous report back from PDX Tyre Nichols event
Report back and accountability letter from PDX event on 1/27/23 at the Oregon Convention center from anonymous ag’s who helped organize.
On 1/27/23 an event demanding Justice for Tyre Nichols (recently murdered by Memphis police) was planned at 7PM at the Oregon convention center, the event kicked of
#Reports #Antireport #Demo #Reportback
#Reports #antireport #demo #reportback
Anti-Eugenics Action Against Worker’s Tap
In the early hours of January 29th, some disabled anarchist attacked Worker’s Tap through tagging it and damaging a window. Due to the bullet-proof glass, the window’s damage would only consist of small dents. However, multiple phrases were thrown up. A circle “(A)” to signify that this was an anarchist who did this action. A “161
#Analysis #Reports #Covid
Unlike with academics and reporters, you can’t check when ChatGPT’s telling the truth
#World #Technology #ChatGPT #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Media #Universities #Academics #Journalists #ScientificMethod #NewsMedia #Media #OpenAI #Chatbots #Truth #Reports
#world #technology #chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence #media #universities #academics #journalists #scientificmethod #newsmedia #openai #chatbots #truth #Reports
Excavator torched in retaliation for the murder of Tortuguita
Answering a call for retaliation against the murder of Tortuguita, we burned a large excavator in Portland yesterday night.
Tortuguita died trying to kill a cop in defense of the Weelaunee forest. Never let this be forgotten.
With these flames we honor their b
#Reports #Antireport #Attack #Communique #Solidarity
#Reports #antireport #attack #Communique #solidarity
Ransomware attacks hit 105 US local governments in 2022 #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #CyberCrime #Cybercrime #databreach #healthcare #ransomware #Malware #Reports #Hacking
#informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #CyberCrime #DataBreach #healthcare #ransomware #Malware #Reports #Hacking
Personal health information of 42M Americans leaked between 2016 and 2021 #personalhealthinformation #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #CyberCrime #Cybercrime #databreach #healthcare #ransomware #Security #Hacking #Reports #malware #PHI
#personalhealthinformation #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #CyberCrime #DataBreach #healthcare #ransomware #Security #Hacking #Reports #Malware #PHI
Five GQPers Release Their Own January 6 Report
Ahead of today's release of the January 6th Select Committee's report, five members of the GQP released their own report that focuses on "security failures at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, highlighting well-documented breakdowns in intelligence sharing, Capitol security and coordination between vario
#Sedition #GQP #GymJordan #January6 #Reports #Sedition
#sedition #GQP #GymJordan #January6 #Reports
Press conference on 2022 Myanmar/Burma with Burmese translation
On 21 December 2022 a hybrid press conference was held for the Burmese press aton the Thai-Burma border
Since the Feburary 2021 coup in Myanmar, the military created State Administration Council systematically withdrew
#Casualties #MineBan #Reports #antipersonnelmines #Burma/Myanmar #landmines #minevictims #Myanmar/Burma
#casualties #mineban #Reports #antipersonnelmines #burma #landmines #minevictims #myanmar
Press conference on 2022 Myanmar/Burma with Burmese translation
On 21 December 2022 a hybrid press conference was held for the Burmese press aton the Thai-Burma border
Since the Feburary 2021 coup in Myanmar, the military created State Administration Council systematically withdrew
#Casualties #MineBan #Reports #antipersonnelmines #Burma/Myanmar #landmines #minevictims #Myanmar/Burma
#casualties #mineban #Reports #antipersonnelmines #burma #landmines #minevictims #myanmar
US HHS warns healthcare orgs of Royal Ransomware attacks #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #Royalransomware #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #CyberCrime #Cybercrime #Malware #Reports #Hacking #malware #HHS
#informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #Royalransomware #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #CyberCrime #Malware #Reports #Hacking #HHS
Attack on “Lewis and Clark Column” in Washington Park
In the early morning hours of so-called "Thanksgiving," some anarchists visited the Lewis and Clark Column in Portland's Washington Park. Chunks of the statue were broken off and the entirety of the column was doused in red paint. A metal plaque celebrating US genocide was ripped o
#Allposts #Reports #Antireport #Attack #Communique
#Allposts #Reports #antireport #attack #Communique