Article: These 7 States are Sleepwalking Into a Maternal Mortality Crisis - Newsweek
#Abortion #AbortionCare
#ReproHealth #ReproRights #MaternalMortality
#abortion #Abortioncare #reprohealth #ReproRights #maternalmortality #DataJustice
And you fucking wonder why I despise Meta/Facebook and Google so much...
They're handing data over to police to help them prosecute people who seek or perform abortions.
And online pharmacies that sell abortion pills are sharing sensitive user information with 3rd-party sites like Google.
#TechEthics #TechForGood #Google #Meta #Facebook #FuckGoogle #FuckMeta #FuckFacebook #AbortionRights #ReproRights
#techethics #techforgood #google #meta #facebook #fuckgoogle #fuckmeta #fuckfacebook #abortionrights #ReproRights
This makes my head hurt slightly 😵💫 but I appreciate lawyers looking at every possibility. #ReproRights #abortionrights
RT Protect our rights. #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #ReproRights #BansOffOurBodies
#womensrightsarehumanrights #ReproRights #BansOffOurBodies
Alabama's attorney general said he could prosecute women who take abortion pills, despite language in the state's new abortion ban that ensures it won't be used against people who receive abortions #ReproRights #ReproductiveFreedom #Abortion #Alabama
#ReproRights #ReproductiveFreedom #abortion #alabama
Texas lawmakers are fighting over whether family planning clinics can prescribe minors birth control without parental consent #ReproRights #ReproductiveFreedom #BirthControl #Contraception #Texas
#ReproRights #ReproductiveFreedom #birthcontrol #contraception #texas
🥳 The Constitutional Amendment enshrining reproductive freedom in CA officially went into effect TODAY.
#ReproRights #caleg #publicpolicy #happyholidays #shortenthatlinkgovernor
Thank you to the American Association of Immunologists for moving the 2024 annual meeting from Phoenix to Chicago in response to the #Dobbs decision.
Hopefully other organizers will take into account #ReproRights when booking future conferences.
Thing's I'm likely to post about:
#abortion, #ReproductiveJustice, #ReproRights, #MediaLiteracy, #deconstruction, #exvangelical (BBFI, SBC), #ethics, #MoralPhilosophy, #veteran issues/experience, #SecularHumanist, #Allyship, #DEI, #biphobia / #BiErasure, working in #HigherEd
#abortion #reproductivejustice #ReproRights #medialiteracy #deconstruction #exvangelical #ethics #moralphilosophy #veteran #secularhumanist #allyship #dei #biphobia #BiErasure #highered
This was a great segment from a recent podcast episode. The #science of #abortion — from Cara Santa Maria (of “Talk Nerdy”) on the Skeptics Guide to the Universe: #health #abortionishealthcare #herchoice #ReproRights
#science #abortion #health #abortionishealthcare #herchoice #ReproRights
And #FloridaMan and Republican Congressional Representative Matt Gaetz has indirectly raised almost $750,000 for “Gen-Z for Choice Abortion Fund” after publicly insulting pro choice women like 19-year-old abortion rights activist and awesome person Olivia Julianna! 😆 #abortion #choice #ReproRights #prochoice #abortionishealthcare #gopfail
#floridaman #abortion #choice #ReproRights #abortionishealthcare
Love this post I just happened to see as soon as I opened Instagram!
#ShoutYourAbortion #abortion #ReproRights #AbortionPills
#shoutyourabortion #abortion #ReproRights #abortionpills
From VP Kamala Harris:
“We are in this fight together.
Visit to get accurate and up-to-date information on your right to access reproductive health care and abortion.” #ReproRights
Conservatives on the #SCOTUS have made it official: they think that it’s ok for the federal government to overreach when it’s inside of an individual’s uterus. Just forget about the last 50 YEARS of legal abortion.
“Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending right to abortion upheld for decades” : NPR #abortion #USPOL #AbortionIsHealthcare #ReproRights #ReproductiveRights
#scotus #abortion #uspol #abortionishealthcare #ReproRights #reproductiverights
Sign on to tell Congress to protect access to abortion: #abortion #SaveRoe #USPOL #AbortionRights #ReproRights #NARAL #ReproductiveRights #AbortionIsHealthcare
#abortion #SaveRoe #uspol #abortionrights #ReproRights #NARAL #reproductiverights #abortionishealthcare
“Right now, we’re in the fight to protect reproductive rights. Here’s what you need to know.”
Short 97 second video from Vice President Kamala Harris on #Roe v. Wade, SCOTUS, and how it’s not just about #abortion, but many other rights, including the right to #privacy, and self-determination: #CivilRights #Vote #Congress #ReproRights #RoeVWade
#roe #abortion #privacy #civilrights #Vote #congress #ReproRights #roevwade
Old song, but still all too relevant. Always loved it:
“Butyric Acid" by Consolidated
Also here:
#abortion #ClinicDefense #KeepAbortionLegal #ReproRights #Roe #RU486YesIAmSir
#abortion #ClinicDefense #KeepAbortionLegal #ReproRights #roe #RU486YesIAmSir
#Vote like your life depends on it — because it might! #KeepAbortionLegal #AbortionIsHealthcare #ReproRights #fem2
“Members of Congress react to draft Supreme Court opinion obtained by Politico that shows justices poised to overturn Roe v. Wade”
#Vote #KeepAbortionLegal #abortionishealthcare #ReproRights #fem2