I didn't realise Edward I of England was a student.
#socalledbbc #EnglishStateBroadcaster #youyesyet #YesScots #ScottishIndependence #endlondonrule #indyref2 #WhyNotScotland #AbolishTheMonarchy #RepublicNow #republic #NotMyKing
#NotMyKing #republic #RepublicNow #AbolishTheMonarchy #WhyNotScotland #indyref2 #endlondonrule #scottishindependence #YesScots #youyesyet #englishstatebroadcaster #socalledbbc
@carolvorders Well, they have to pay for the #Coronation somehow. Why shouldn't the vulnerable, elderly and infirm suffer so that the poshest and most privileged person in the land can have a self-indulgent party?
#RepublicNow #NotMyKing #Coronation
The Saxe Coburg Gotha family never learns.
#NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy #RepublicNow #republic #youyesyet #YesScots #ScottishIndependence #endlondonrule #indyref2 #WhyNotScotland
#WhyNotScotland #indyref2 #endlondonrule #scottishindependence #YesScots #youyesyet #republic #RepublicNow #AbolishTheMonarchy #NotMyKing
The only T-shirt to be wearing out and about today, because I am a proud:
eco-zealot Marxist!
(T-shirt by the wonderful Stewart Bremner, based on a description of @ScottishGreens by a Tory MSP)
#NotMyKing #RepublicNow #coronation
#notmyking #RepublicNow #Coronation
Obh obh, abair là airson pàrtaidh a-muigh...
Oh dear, hope no-one is planning any outdoor parties today.
#gaidhlig #gaelic #RepublicNow #scotland #NotMyKing
#NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy #RepublicNow #republic #youyesyet #YesScots #ScottishIndependence #endlondonrule #indyref2 #WhyNotScotland
#WhyNotScotland #indyref2 #endlondonrule #scottishindependence #YesScots #youyesyet #republic #RepublicNow #AbolishTheMonarchy #NotMyKing
I will be spending the day hosting an 80th party for my lovely, kind, generous father in law. Through his tireless work for Charities and National Lottery Fund, he got to know Prince Charles quite well. He thinks very highly of him, as do many of the guests.
Think of me, at this difficult time.
Fuck yer King
Fuck yer royal family
Fuck yer crown
Fuck yer monarchy
Fuck yer subjects
#overthrow #RepublicNow #NotMyKing
Ever wondered how the Saxe Coburg Gotha family really works?
I recommend that you read this book.
#NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy #RepublicNow #republic #youyesyet #YesScots #ScottishIndependence #endlondonrule #indyref2 #WhyNotScotland #scotlandineurope #ScotlandinEU
#ScotlandinEU #scotlandineurope #WhyNotScotland #indyref2 #endlondonrule #scottishindependence #YesScots #youyesyet #republic #RepublicNow #AbolishTheMonarchy #NotMyKing
Can't wait for more exciting and insightful BBC News articles about how Little Fudbucket on the Wold has revived its "tradition" of beating visitors with sticks as a way of celebrating His Majesty's coronation
#RepublicNow #shitholebritain #plagueisland
From Lord Ashcroft polls, views of commonwealth nations on getting rid of the Saxe Coburg Gotha dynasty.
#NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy #RepublicNow #republic #youyesyet #YesScots #ScottishIndependence #endlondonrule #indyref2 #WhyNotScotland #YesCymru #IndyWales
#indywales #yescymru #WhyNotScotland #indyref2 #endlondonrule #scottishindependence #YesScots #youyesyet #republic #RepublicNow #AbolishTheMonarchy #NotMyKing
@Mrfunkedude no chance! #notmyking #abolishmonarchy #RepublicNow
#RepublicNow #abolishmonarchy #notmyking
That’s how architects throw shade!
“Charles's mythical notion of eternal beauty as something unchanging and deriving from God or nature (and preferably with a pediment) “
Great article.
New Zealand would vote to keep monarchy
With #Ontario provincial Premier Doug Ford and the media trying to distract us from massive corruption and austerity with King Chuckles #coronation crap, these #Celtic fans completely sum up my feelings towards this event.
#RepublicNow #Canada #celtic #coronation #ontario
Princess Anne: slimmed-down royal family ‘doesn’t sound like a good idea’
I beg to disagree, your Highness. Prison food might do wonders for your sibling.
Princess Anne disagrees with slimmiming down the monarchy because;
“It provides long term stability that’s actually hard to come come by any other way”.
Poor old democracy. Too troublesome to be left to the peasants.
Stability (for them) being the right to dodge taxes, live in obscene luxury, and refuse the sort of scrutiny public servants follow.