The conversations no one really wants to have because the moment someone asks questions about geriatrics who clearly and evidently can't function, it's the yells of "you ageist asshole." Well, enjoy your kakistocratic gerontocracy then.
>‘It’s Time for Most of Them to Go’: Mitch McConnell’s Latest Freezing Episode Sparks Questions About Politicians Aging In Office. That Means You Too, President Joe Biden
#RealOwners #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid
Seriously #BarelySatire.
>Democrats Respond To Jacksonville Shooting With Proposal To Remove Black People From Circulation
#RepublicanLite #thisisamerica #BarelySatire
Meanwhile, in the #BadEconomy. Not only are the #PartyOfStupid and his campaign going to use the photo for fundraising, merchandise, so on. We can be assured the #RepublicanLite Dems will also use it for fundraising, merchandise, etc. If you work in those fields, business is about to boom.
>How Trump’s monetizing his mugshot
#RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #BadEconomy
Meanwhile, in the #BadEconomy, on the high costs of car ownership in the U.S., but you need to have one because you know, the shithole country we live in would rather die in debt than setting up decent public transportation.
#RealOwners #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #BadEconomy
Don't forget their maid and gardener are Latinos. The cook can be either Black and/or Latino.
#RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid
Sounds about right for the #FormerSenatorFromStateOfMBNA and his administration.
#RepublicanLite #FormerSenatorFromStateOfMBNA
Again, in the #BadEconomy, and then him and the #RepublicanLite wonder why some voters are not so enthusiastic about him nor their party. This is bullshit, and self-inflicted at that, pure and simple.
Biden to "aggressively" push to reduce remote work for federal employees
#jobs #work #RepublicanLite #BadEconomy
#SaveYouAClick: not much really. Aside from Treasury Secretary bitching about it, meh. Call me when the US gets an F rating so bad not even a pawn shop will loan them money.
#BadEconomy #PartyOfStupid #RepublicanLite #ThisIsAmerica
Fitch just downgraded the U.S. credit rating — how much does it matter?
#thisisamerica #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #BadEconomy #SaveYouAClick
And speaking of the barely breathing federal plutocratic gerontocracy....
>And speaking of the barely breathing federal plutocratic gerontocracy....
#BarelySatire #PartyOfStupid #RepublicanLite
#RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #BarelySatire
#RealOwners #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #thisisamerica
And speaking of polls. TBH, people may say that but keep voting for same damn duopoly. If they did as they said, yea, a 3rd party could have a chance. Difficult? Yes. Impossible? No.
Again, usual poll caveats apply.
Most say Biden, Trump not ‘fit’ for presidency, nearly half could vote third-party: polls
#RealOwners #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid
Pfft. That is what they say in the poll then quietly march and vote for the "usual" two. (Then spend the rest of the year whining they hate the two).
Nearly half of voters would consider a third-party candidate over Trump, Biden: poll
#RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid
If this damn country got their act together, and people put some will and drive, we could have more than the two parties. But it is easier to whine than to line up and vote for a different option. Difficult? Yes. Impossible? No.
P.S. if you are a defender of the duopoly, don't come bothering. I DGAF.
#RealOwners #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid
And while Texans are drowning children at the border, in Louisiana they bake children in cells. Thought this was a #PartyOfStupid thing, but in LA, their governor who ordered the kids to Angola is #RepublicanLite.
>133 Degrees and No AC: Kids at Angola Prison Kept in Potentially Deadly Heat
#thisisamerica #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid
Democrats Have a Man Problem. These Experts Have Ideas for Fixing It.
Translation: #RepublicanLite are wusses (or at least perceived to be so to put it mildly).
FTA that caught my eye: "And while Black and Latino voters still overwhelmingly lean Democratic, men in those communities are turning to Republicans at higher rates than women."
Open Letter to Cornel West
Intriguing idea, but you know, #ThisIsAmerica where #PartyOfStupid and #RepublicanLite take turns for the sake of the #RealOwners.
#education #highered #academia #RealOwners #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #thisisamerica
Translation: #FormerSenatorFromStateOfMBNA begins to grovel to the #RealOwners. (Oh, don't give me that. The #PartyOfStupid does it too.)
Biden digging for dollars in wealthy Democratic enclaves
#RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #RealOwners #FormerSenatorFromStateOfMBNA
Poll: A historic number of Americans don't want a Biden-Trump rematch
Translation: A historic number of Americans are full of shit (and probably lying to the pollsters) since they still keep voting for the same duopoly. Yes, we can have other options, if we actually vote for them.
#RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid
Pelosi Says Some Male Senators Were in Worse Shape Than Feinstein, But She Won’t Name Names
Ms. Pelosi, that is NOT the hot take you think it is. If anything, just makes stronger case for Feinstein to GTFO along with others. Come on, have guts, start giving names.
Also being in the same category as serious racist assholes as Strom Thurmond is not exactly a winning statement either.
WSJ Celebrates Making It Harder for Poor People to Access Food
#BadEconomy #SoundsAboutWhite #PartyOfStupid #RepublicanLite #RealOwners
#RealOwners #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #Soundsaboutwhite #BadEconomy