#RepublicanMath problem:
If Mark Meadows is allowed to vote in 3 states, how many states are we going to allow Republicans to vote in without any consequences?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. All the above
Analysis | Mark Meadows was simultaneously registered to vote in three states-
“Matt Gaetz gets on an airplane in the Eastern time zone with a 17 year old girl just hours before she turns 18. What time zone is she in when she reaches adulthood?”
#ICanDoThisAllDay #RepublicanMath
Let me add to this.
Republicans don't like math textbooks because they contain the "=" sign.
But they love "<" and ">".
Or "if three Tennessee Republicans leave the Klan rally at 10:00 and head back to their child marriage grooming farm at 15 mph, what time will they arrive?" #RepublicanMath
The Dangerous Math That Florida Doesn’t Want Its Children To Learn: