The #RescueDogs are SO happy tonight. After cutting up yesterday's gift venison and making my own big pot of noodles, I had about a cup of scrap/silverskin that I threw back in the dirty noodle pot with a handful each of dry noodles and rolled oats plus a quart of water. Pressure cooked all that to a fare-thee-well and ladled the resulting "dog stew" over their usual dinner ration of crunchy. Now the #dogs are wandering around licking each others' empty bowls. #HappyDogs
Obligatory Odie Out-take
o.o.o for short
I love alteration so much, ill be a try hard.
Babs trying to be friends with Lucky so badly.
#dogsofmastodon #rescuedog #RescueDogs #dogs
Guten Morgen! 🐶😎☀️
#DogsOfMastodon #RescueDogs #HundeRunde
#dogsofmastodon #RescueDogs #hunderunde
Bei dem Wetter speien sogar die 🐉 lieber #Wasser. 🥵
#DogsOfMastodon #RescueDogs #TongueOutTuesday #Mölln #Brunnen #fountain #Kurpark #SpaGardens #Fotografie #photography
#wasser #dogsofmastodon #RescueDogs #tongueouttuesday #molln #Brunnen #fountain #kurpark #spagardens #fotografie #photography
Henna the rescue ridgeback isn't letting you up the stairs #dogsofmastodon #RescueDogs #dogs
#dogsofmastodon #RescueDogs #dogs
Their day bed had to be washed because somebody did something smelly to it, but they are hanging in on the alternative.
#dogsofmastodon #aussieterriers #elderly #RescueDogs
When you chase the birds off the balcony and then wonder why you don't have any friends.
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #RescueDogs #pet #pets
Die ca. 2-jährige Nura hat gerade die letzte Chemo hinter sich (Stickertumor), in 4 Wochen ist Abschlussuntersuchung. Zur Zeit lebt sie auf einer Pflegestelle in #Hamburg.
Nun sucht die süße Maus (naja, gut 20 kg 😄) ein liebevolles Für-immer-Zuhause – bei Interesse stelle ich den Kontakt gerne her.
Gerne #Boost für Reichweite.
#DogsOfMastodon #DogsOfFediverse #RescueDogs #Tierschutz #Vermittlung #Adoption #AdoptDontShop
#hamburg #boost #dogsofmastodon #dogsoffediverse #RescueDogs #tierschutz #Vermittlung #adoption #adoptdontshop
Have you seen my keys, Jet? (Look closely - I had to!) ❤️ #dogs #RescueDogs #MyDog #MyDogPosts #DogsOfMastodon
#dogs #RescueDogs #mydog #mydogposts #dogsofmastodon
I agree 100%. The update mentioned several dogs went to other organizations which I took to mean rescues.
I have small senior dog that came from a rescue specializing in older dogs.
Let Jet snaffle a healthy vergeside carrot on our morning walk. ❤️ #dogs #RescueDogs #MyDog #MyDogPosts #DogsOfMastodon
#dogs #RescueDogs #mydog #mydogposts #dogsofmastodon
I hear today is national rescue dog day. Here are mine 😍
#DogsOfMastodon #dogs #RescueDogs #dogstodon
#dogsofmastodon #Dogs #RescueDogs #dogstodon
Okay, Jet, let's pull funny faces for the camera, shall we? ❤️ #dogs #RescueDogs #MyDog #MyDogPosts #DogsOfMastodon
#dogs #RescueDogs #mydog #mydogposts #dogsofmastodon
I went out for a few hours so I'm being sat on and reminded of the obligation to bring my dogs everywhere. #DogsOfMastodon #RescueDogs
This is my girl. She's standing on a railing with a long drop. She's a brave dog. She's also on a leash because I wouldn't let anything happen to her. #DogsOfMastodon #RescueDogs
Die Jahrhundert-Elf 🏴☠️ war 𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘵𝘴 im Vergleich zu dieser dribbelstarken Edelpfote! ⚽️🐶
#DogsOfMastodon #RescueDogs #Fußball #magischerFC #soccer #Fotografie #photography
#dogsofmastodon #RescueDogs #fußball #magischerfc #soccer #fotografie #photography
#longing #DogsOfMastodon #RescueDogs #Hamburg #Alster #Lombardsbrücke #Fotografie #photography #Frühling #spring #Narzissen #daffodils
#Sehnsucht #dogsofmastodon #RescueDogs #hamburg #alster #lombardsbrucke #fotografie #photography #fruhling #spring #narzissen #longing #daffodils