This article argues that "a simplistic reinterpretation of DORA" (but not DORA itself) is guilty of "bibliometric denialism".
#Assessment #ResearchAssessment
#Bibliometrics #Citations #DORA #JIF #Metrics
#metrics #jif #dora #citations #bibliometrics #ResearchAssessment #assessment
🆕New issue of ERC Magazine focuses on #ResearchAssessment:
🔎 President Maria Leptin on recent changes at the ERC
🔎 James Wilsdon @RoRInstitute on global trends
🔎 Grantee Anja Leist @uni_lu on experience with narrative CV for grant applicants
That is the reproductibily part of #OpenScience, the subject of the day at the #cernnasa summit.
All but forgotten, the heart of the machine : opening processes along with #opensoftware, #opendata and #openaccess for papers and books.
All this with a direct link whith #ResearchAssessment, as show today by @mostlyphysics.
#ResearchAssessment #openaccess #opendata #opensoftware #cernnasa #OpenScience
2 presentations by #GraspOS partners are available in our #OpenScience and Responsible #ResearchAssessment community on #Zenodo
➡️ @laurakoohoo from CSC at the EuroCRIS Members Meeting in Brussels #MM2023Brussels:
➡️ @vergoulis and Serafeim Chatzopoulos from Athena RC at the Extended Sematic Web Conference in Hersonissos #ESWC2023:
We welcome all #research on #OpenScience and RRA, you are welcome to add yours:
#research #eswc2023 #mm2023brussels #zenodo #ResearchAssessment #openscience #graspos
#GraspOS poster presenting the projects' aims and pilot studies at today's #EOSC Tripartite event in 🇮🇹 #Italy
#ITAEOSC2023 #OpenScience #EOSC #ResearchAssessment #ReformingRA
#ReformingRA #ResearchAssessment #openscience #itaeosc2023 #italy #eosc #graspos
Tatsuya Amano provides a powerful demostration of why it is important to recognize multilingual contributions and to address language biases in #researchassessment!
Slides and recordings of the webinar on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication will soon be available on the Helsinki Initiative website:
Follow us more updates on #GraspOS activities and results!
More information is available on the project website:
#ReformingRA #OpenScience #ResponsibleResearchAssessment #CoARA #ResearchAssessment #HorizonEurope #EOSC
@cwts @utrechtuniversity @eosc
#eosc #horizoneurope #ResearchAssessment #CoARA #responsibleresearchassessment #openscience #ReformingRA #graspos
@petersuber "In addition, institutions must not promote or recruit researchers solely on the basis of the number of published papers or citations. Instead, assessments will now be judged by indicators of quality, such as how innovative the work is, whether it represents a significant scientific advance, or its contribution to solving important societal problems."
📢 Glad to announce that the @EU_Commission will be an observer👀 to the @CoARAssessment Steering Board.
We are committed to continuously supporting this important initiative! ✅
#ResearchAssessment #EUResearchArea
#ResearchAssessment #EUResearchArea
Smieklīgākajam bildes parakstam balvā grāmata "Nepateicīgie" 🤣🤣🤣
RT @DahleSebastian: @EP_ScienceTech @MEP_Ehler @LERUnews @KurtDeketelaere @euatweets @ALLEA_academies @weisspernille @LeitaoMarquesEP @linagalvezmunoz @ERC_Research @ResearchEurope @rglucks1 .@ijabs highlighting the impact of #ResearchAssessment and evaluation systems on the state of #AcademicFreedom - underlyining the importance of the @CoARAssessment reform process
#ResearchAssessment #academicfreedom
A great way for research institutions to kick-start research assessment reform journey and review current practices with view to the #CoARA commitments!
EU-funded #GraspOS project invites #universities #funders and other organisations, who are or could become #CoARA signatories, to answer the landscape survey on #ResearchAssessment practices.
Deadline 28 May 2023. Distribute the survey in your networks!
#ResearchAssessment #funders #Universities #graspos #coara
#COARA #ResearchAssessment
Good for you @UAM_Poznan 👌
RT @ekulczycki
Since today, my Alma Mater @UAM_Poznan is a member of @CoARAssessment. Sooo good 👍🏼
🆕Over 500 signatories of the Agreement on Reforming #ResearchAssessment, from 41 countries! 🌍
Proud to see that the movement 🔄 we initiated 2 years ago has already succeeded in bringing together so many research organisations, across the #EUResearchArea and beyond🚀
#ResearchAssessment #EUResearchArea
I have been reflecting upon this event, and come to a few conclusions…
First, fields in this space have been very siloed. Most attendees were of the #researchintegrity perspective, but how do you differentiate this from #researchethics #openscience or #ResearchAssessment? These fields are different perspectives of the same issues and landscape. There were so many discussions of the competitive nature of research, but way too little about COLLABORATION!
#ResearchAssessment #openscience #researchethics #ResearchIntegrity
A bit of fun exercising my mind around DORA* and authorship policies:
While immensely helpful for a range of purposes, does the #ICMJE statement around author- & contributorship structurally limit our view as to what we look for when evaluating individual's contributions to research?
How much further do alternatives such as CRediT go?
#icmje #publicationethics #ResearchAssessment
RT @vergoulis
Gareth O'Neil is now presenting the OPUS project & consortium in the @GraspOS_project kick off meeting. Many complementarities & opportunities for co-operation between the two projects! #researchAssessment #OpenScience
#openscience #ResearchAssessment
Good news on the practical reform of #researchassessment in #ERC grants:
European Research Council announces plan to update its evaluation system
#ResearchAssessment #erc #openscience #openresearch #openscholarship
INORMS Research Evaluation Group are thrilled to welcome University of St Kliment Ohridski Bitola as the latest signatory to #MoreThanOurRank Read their Statement here: #Rankings #ResearchAssessment
#ResearchAssessment #rankings #morethanourrank
INORMS Research Evaluation Group are thrilled to welcome University of St Kliment Ohridski Bitola as the latest signatory to #MoreThanOurRank Read their Statement here: #Rankings #ResearchAssessment
#ResearchAssessment #rankings #morethanourrank
Qualified #lotteries in academic selection contexts:
"[...] qualified lotteries under certain conditions produce considerable advantages: They help to overcome biases & noise with decisions, raise the quality and diversity of the shortlist from which the decision makers are selected, and reduce the hubris of leaders."
by Frey, Osterloh, & Rost (2022), European Management Review. (no OA version found ...)
#ResearchAssessment #lotteries