New call for #researchfunding for #britishacademy Global Professorships. Applications welcome in any discipline in the #humanities and #socialsciences with up to £900,000 over 4 years available for researchers based anywhere in the world to come to the UK
#socialsciences #humanities #britishacademy #Researchfunding
Notes #15/2023. On macroeconomic impacts of mitigation, #AI and #climatechange policies, principles of #researchfunding, and more.
#ai #ClimateChange #Researchfunding
Would be great if you could sign this petition to increase research scholarship rates for PhD students in Australia, so that they’re paid minimum wage.
This is a small step towards properly funding and compensating the people who make massive contributions to Australian research outputs.
#academia #universities #auspol #researchFunding #PhD #Australia
#academia #universities #auspol #Researchfunding #phd #australia
Enjoyed this substack critique. At the same it is sad. Governments talk and talk about the importance of basic research in #Canada but nothing changes. The granting agencies are always starved for funding to properly support research. I always tell my students think what this country could really do research-wise if it was just funded properly. The country’s research potential is just wasted with govt disinterest. #Research #ResearchFunding #Science #ScienceMastodon
#ScienceMastodon #science #Researchfunding #research #Canada
*Reminder* to register for our Research Fund Showcase happening tomorrow, 16.00GMT/11.00EST 👇
Come along and listen to these great examples of #landscape #research projects from our annual Fund.
#researchfunding #landscaperesearch #event
#event #landscaperesearch #Researchfunding #research #landscape
📢Our Research Fund Showcase will be held on Tues 14th March at 16.00GMT/11.00EST. Speakers will be: Laura Roe & Richard Irvine @univofstandrews, Mary Biggs of University of North Carolina, & Joanne Phillips from Manchester School of Architecture.
A wide range of fascinating projects & also offering food for thought for those applying to our Fund.
For more details and to register:
#event #landscaperesearch #landscape #researchfunding #funding
#funding #Researchfunding #landscape #landscaperesearch #event
We have been literally begging Canadian governments to do something about research funding in this country for years and years. Nothing changes regardless of which party is in power. Too much talk and not enough real action. #canada #research #ResearchFunding #Universities #Science
#science #universities #Researchfunding #research #Canada
March 15 deadline for undergrads!
Contact any NIH-funded professor (NIGMS specifically) and see if they are eligible to apply for a supplement to fund you to do paid summer research with them!
#biology #Researchfunding #internship
OTT click bait headline here but a good article nonetheless pointing to systemic problems. We encourage young people to pursue PhD and research careers but there are v few opportunities & conditions are grim & often exploitative. #careers #insecurelabour #stem #research #researchfunding
#careers #insecurelabour #stem #research #Researchfunding
📢LRG is delighted to announce that our 2023 Research Fund is now open for applications. For the day that's in it 😍, our chosen theme is Landscape and Care.
More details, how to apply and join as a member:
#research #researchfunding #landscape #care #LandscapeStudies #landscaperesearch
#landscaperesearch #landscapestudies #care #landscape #Researchfunding #research
Took 1-8y off science for family during your postdoc or faculty position?
Contact NIH-funded labs to see if they will write a reentry for you (I will too!).
Please boost these little-known supplements:
#FamilyLeave #ResearchFunding #STEM #Fellowship #Grant
Republish from @DrAnneCarpenter - thanks for highlighting this opportunity!
#grant #fellowship #stem #Researchfunding #familyleave
Took 1-8y off science for family during your postdoc or faculty position?
Contact NIH-funded labs to see if they will write a reentry for you (I will!). Please boost these little-known supplements:
#grant #fellowship #stem #Researchfunding #familyleave
US citizens or permanent residents from an under-represented group! High school thru postdoc/faculty.
Contact any NIH-funded researcher you admire & suggest applying for this supplement to join their lab! Many, like me, are happy to host! Pls boost
(side note: women don't count as under-represented, even if in CS). Eligible groups listed here:
#ResearchFunding #BlackInSTEM #Grants #PostdocFellowships #PhDFunding #PhDFellowships @academicchatter
#phdfellowships #phdfunding #PostdocFellowships #grants #BlackInSTEM #Researchfunding
Attention all researchers and organizations working on
The impact of light and noise pollution on biodiversity
The European Commission's Horizon Europe Framework Programme is offering funding for projects in this area.
Don't miss out on this opportunity!
#biodiversity #conservation #lightpollution #noisepollution #researchfunding #HorizonEurope
#horizoneurope #Researchfunding #NoisePollution #lightpollution #Conservation #biodiversity
Boosted for my followers - see the Nature news piece above in this thread: "‘Disruptive’ science has declined — and no one knows why".
Don Braben has argued since the 1980s that funding mechanisms (peer review, dependence on track record doing exactly the same thing in the past, and vetocracy by committee) are the problem, and disruptive scientists like Planck and Einstein would not get funding today.
#MetaScience #research #ResearchFunding #funding #academiaews piece
#MetaScience #research #Researchfunding #funding #academiaews
#ResearchFunding OPPORTUNITY:
Why not apply your #science expertise to the challenge of doping in #sports?
The World #AntiDoping Agency has released the 2023 call for proposals (deadline 22 Mar):
Other special #research topics are open for expressions of interest:
#molecular diagnostics
Collaborator ideas here:
#Researchfunding #science #sports #antidoping #research #massspec #analyticalchemistry #AssayDevelopment #pharmacology #biomarkers #molecular #omics
#ResearchFunding OPPORTUNITY:
Why not apply your #science expertise to the challenge of doping in #sports?
The World #AntiDoping Agency has released the 2023 call for proposals (deadline 22 Mar):
Other special #research topics are open for expressions of interest:
#molecular diagnostics
Collaborator ideas here:
#Researchfunding #science #sports #antidoping #research #massspec #analyticalchemistry #AssayDevelopment #pharmacology #biomarkers #molecular #omics
For a paper looking on trends in #researchFunding and #bibliometrics , I'm looking for terms that'd show up massively in grant abstracts for "trendy" ideas (think "big data" or "machine learning") -- ideally, but not necessarily ones that went in & out of fashion.
Looking at US funding only across all federal & many private funders. Ideas welcome -- we'll share any cool graphs we find.
#bibliometrics #Researchfunding