I have been blessed by Lady D herself 😌 #MaggieRobertson #LadyDimitrescu #Actress #ResidentEvilVillage #ResidentEvil #Videogame #ShareYourGames
#maggierobertson #LadyDimitrescu #actress #ResidentEvilVillage #residentevil #videogame #shareyourgames
Freunde der Sonne. Lasst uns einen Deal machen. Ihr macht aus den 98 mindestens die 100. und ich hau im darauf folgenden Stream #residentevilvillage als Steam Key raus…
Na was meint ihr?
#steam #giveway #steamgames #twitch #twitchde #twitchdeutschland #twitchgermany #twitchstreamer #twitchcommunity #germangaming #germanstreamer #streamercommunity #streamer #smallstreamer #streaming #gaming #germangaming #germantwitchstreamer #gamercommunity #horrorgames #gamingcommunity
#gamingcommunity #horrorgames #GamerCommunity #germantwitchstreamer #gaming #streaming #smallstreamer #streamer #streamercommunity #GermanStreamer #germangaming #twitchcommunity #twitchstreamer #twitchgermany #twitchdeutschland #twitchde #twitch #steamgames #giveway #steam #ResidentEvilVillage
Remember when I told you I found some sausages in the kitchen of Castle Dimitrescu and that Bela saw me? Yup! It's true, but she seemed to just let me go after seeing I was some sort of dragon. After all, her mom has a dragon form too! Thanks for letting me go, Bela! 💙
#fursuit #edit #residentevil #ResidentEvilVillage
Kotaku: Unhinged Baldur’s Gate 3 Villain Is Voiced By Lady Dimitrescu Voice Actress https://kotaku.com/baldur-s-gate-3-orin-the-red-dimitrescu-resident-evil-1850687396 #gaming #tech #kotaku #residentevilvillage #maggierobertson #ladydimitrescu #kethericthorm #humaninterest #envergortash #baldursgate #jasonisaacs #dimitrescu #jksimmons #roberson #thered #orin
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #ResidentEvilVillage #maggierobertson #ladydimitrescu #kethericthorm #humaninterest #envergortash #baldursgate #JasonIsaacs #Dimitrescu #jksimmons #roberson #thered #orin
Aoi Ryugoku found sausage links in the kitchen of Castle Dimitrescu! Want one? She'd be happy to share one with ya! It definitely was a close call with Bela Dimitrescu, who almost caught this dragon! She saw me but I managed to escape, thankfully! It was quite a close one, though! :P
(plush sausage links prop by BlackRavenEffects on Etsy!)
#fursuit #ResidentEvilVillage #dimitrescu
Había tenido la Xbox descansando por un tiempo porque le estaba dando duro a la Switch. Encontré algunos juegos en oferta y no me acordaba que hace un tiempo me había comprado el RE Village. Anoche mientras estaba sola en casa lo empecé y… qué joyita. La ambientación me está encantando 🩸🍷 #XboxSeriesX #ResidentEvilVillage
#xboxseriesx #ResidentEvilVillage
Aibo and his best friend Salvatore Moreau! This was their very first photo together, and it was also taken way before Aibo got his signature red hoodie! This was also my first ever Resident Evil Village edit with Aibo as well! These two are such sweet friends! ❤️
#fursuit #ResidentEvilVillage #edit
Kotaku: The 17 Best Games For Sony's PlayStation 5 https://kotaku.com/the-best-games-for-the-playstation-5-1845726626 #gaming #tech #kotaku #godofwarvideogamecollections #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #finalfantasyviiremake #homevideogameconsoles #residentevilvillage #videogamesequels #streetfighterv #streetfighter6 #ragnarokkratos #chrisredfield #residentevil7 #residentevil5 #residentevil4 #residentevil6 #milesmorales #windowsgames #selenevassos #ethanwinters #evannarcisse
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #godofwarvideogamecollections #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #finalfantasyviiremake #homevideogameconsoles #ResidentEvilVillage #videogamesequels #streetfighterv #streetfighter6 #ragnarokkratos #chrisredfield #residentevil7 #residentevil5 #residentevil4 #residentevil6 #milesmorales #windowsgames #selenevassos #ethanwinters #evannarcisse
#ResidentEvilVillage #バイオヴィレッジ
【バイオ村】Vsingerのガチ悲鳴集【七宮ソウ / Sou Nanamiya】#shorts #ショート動画
#ショート動画 #shorts #バイオヴィレッジ #ResidentEvilVillage #ゲーム #vsinger #vtuber
Just like how Aoi has a House Beneviento collar tag, Aibo now has his own as well! A Moreau Reservoir collar tag to show that he's with lord Salvatore Moreau and guards the Moreau Reservoir so enter at your own risk! Happy #FursuitFriday! ❤️
(Amazing Moreau Reservoir keychain by Sanglunaria on Etsy!)
#fursuitfriday #residentevil #ResidentEvilVillage
Anyone who remotely cares about my progress (nobody, haha):
#HorizonZeroDawn: Done
#HorizonForbiddenWest: Done
#ResidentEvilVillage: Done
Still haven’t started #TearsOfTheKingdom, instead I went back to #Xbox for some light relief with #PowerwashSimulator.
Sometimes wish I was able to flit between games like others do. My completionism compels me to finish one game before I start another.
#PowerWashSimulator #xbox #tearsofthekingdom #ResidentEvilVillage #HorizonForbiddenWest #HorizonZeroDawn
Anyone who remotely cares about my progress (nobody, haha):
#HorizonZeroDawn: Done
#HorizonForbiddenWest: Done
#ResidentEvilVillage: Done
Still haven’t started #TearsOfTheKingdom, instead I went back to #Xbox for some light relief with #PowerwashSimulator.
Sometimes wish I was able to flit between games like others do. My completionism compels me to finish one game before I start another.
#PowerWashSimulator #xbox #tearsofthekingdom #ResidentEvilVillage #HorizonForbiddenWest #HorizonZeroDawn
Resident Evil Village ha venduto 8 milioni di copie
So sorry about last nights 1st part of the stream. I didn't look into the settings for me to run the game right, caused the stream to crash. I ended that stream and restarted it and fixed that problem so we technically had 2 1/2 hours of a stream. #ResidentEvilVillage
Next time we should be all set.
Go and check out both parts of the live #REVillage stream on my channel. Keep Being Awesome 😁🤘❤️
#ResidentEvilVillage #revillage
RT @cupTWOst@twitter.com
i couldnt stop laughing while i was drawing this #mothermiranda #residentevilVillage #ResidentEvil
#mothermiranda #ResidentEvilVillage #residentevil
Aibo is just chilling and relaxing in the reservoir today for this #FursuitFriday! He's also keeping an eye out for any potential threats that could harm his best friend Moreau! Such a good dragon bean! 💙
(#ResidentEvilVillage edit!)
#ResidentEvilVillage #fursuitfriday
I'm really not very good at horror games in #VR
Just made it into Castle Dimitrescu in #ResidentEvilVillage only to be kidnapped again, meet the the ghoul gang and be chased through the castle innards only to be chopped up by rotating spikes.
Had to my headset off for a bit and go in the garden!
And boy is Lady Dimitrescu tall in VR!
#vr #ResidentEvilVillage #PSVR2 #gaming #ps5
RT @nerodsi
Jill Valentine & Chris Redfield in Resident Evil RE:Verse
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #JillValentine #ChrisRedfield #Biohazard #ResidentEvil3remake #ResidentEvilVillage #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #jillvalentine #chrisredfield #biohazard #residentevil3remake #ResidentEvilVillage #Capcom
Resident Evil Village Gameplay - First Look (4K)
Resident Evil Village is a 2021 action survival horror FPS game developed by CAPCOM Co., Ltd
#ResidentEvilVillage #snowmind #smaction #4K #firstlook