देश भक्तो का आन्दोलन vs. अराजकतावादी संघियों का आन्दोलन.
तिरंगे वाले गद्दार और भगवे वाले देशभक्त?
#भाजपा_का_किसानों_पर_हमला #ResignAmitShah
@INCMohitJain@twitter.com @speedytohike@twitter.com @Veniceofeast@twitter.com
#ResignAmitShah #भाजपा_का_किसानों_पर_हमला
People who are saying #UddhavResign are silent on Delhi, why not #ResignAmitShah? Why are they silent on Surat? Why not #ResignRupani?
#ResignRupani #ResignAmitShah #UddhavResign
#AttackOnJNU is merely one example of state sponsored violence & terrorism against democratic rights! #JNUUnderAttack
#AttackOnJNU #JNUUnderAttack #ResignAmitShah #JNUBleeds
Does anyone thinks this shameless goon will resign? I am ready to bet my paycheque. Any takers?
"The Moment We Stop Fighting For Each Other, That's The Moment We Lose Our Humanity". #CABProtests #ResignAmitShah #JamiaProtests
#CABProtests #ResignAmitShah #JamiaProtests
Every college and university to protest against the brutality against our students in #JamiaMilia and #AMUStudents
#JamiaMilia #AMUStudents #ResignAmitShah
Let us show the power of common man to the duo Modi-Shah. We elected them, we reject them. We stand by every youth who was brutalized by the gunda force of Narendra Modi
Why just #ResignAmitShah? It should be #ResignModiShah
#ResignAmitShah #ResignModiShah