The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s crackdowns against freedom, democracy, and human rights has intensified across China, and we have witnessed a gross increase on the assault on communities living under its rule.
• Occupied Tibet is one of the least free places in the world
• Millions of Uyghurs detained in mass internment camps in occupied East Turkestan
• Loss of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong
• Erasure of Southern Mongolian culture and language
• Intimidation and geopolitical bullying of Taiwan
• Detention & disappearance of countless Chinese lawyers, feminists & activists
#ResistChina is a global campaign of united movements working to end the Chinese Communist Party’s authoritarian regime
It’s time for governments to resist China and to build strong multilateral action to effectively challenge the Chinese Communist Party totalitarian regime.
#H1126 #freeChina #resistChina
#freeTibet #freeHK #freeXinjiang
- 被占领的西藏是世界上最不自由的地方之一
- 在被占领的东突厥斯坦,数以百万计的维吾尔人被关押在大规模的拘禁营中
- 香港人失去了基本的自由
- 南蒙古的文化和语言被抹去
- 台湾遭受恫吓和地缘政治挤压
- 无数的中国律师、女权主义者和活动家被拘留和失踪。
#抵抗中国 是一项全球运动,旨在结束中国共产党的独裁政权。
加入我们,请参与11月26日的汉堡抗议活动。 你可以自制海报,也可以在网址中下载。
地点:feldbrunnstrasse 11:30-15:00
#抵抗中国 #freeXinjiang #freehk #freetibet #ResistChina #FreeChina #H1126