Buying an electric vehicle doesn't make you a responsible citizen. Large scale mining is required for large scale production of electric car batteries.
#ResourceEconomy #GreenIndustry #wakeUPearthlings
When fossil fuel drill rigs are redeployed in the desert to extract "green" lithium for batteries, does it tell us anything about how green "green energy" is?
#wakeUPearthlings #ResourceEconomy #GreenIndustry
Mining "Hell's Kitchen" in the Sonoran desert for battery-grade lithium hydroxide and carbonate...what could go wrong?
#ResourceEconomy #GreenIndustry
explore how peat lands contribute ecosystem services to our survival here on planet earth
#BogCorpse #darkcask #witchy #PeatlandPavilion #ResourceEconomy #carbon #climate
#climate #carbon #ResourceEconomy #PeatlandPavilion #witchy #darkcask #BogCorpse
It is mass suicide to democratically enact market regulation that allows mining operations (and all of their longterm effects on ecosystem services) to be more profitable than precious metal recycling.
#ReduceReuse #ResourceEconomy #mining #GreenIndustry