Javier Díaz-Nido · @Javier_DN
170 followers · 348 posts · Server red.niboe.info

Neural bases of freedom and responsibility

This review presents a broad perspective of the Neuroscience of our days with special attention to how the brain generates our behaviors, emotions, and mental states. It describes in detail how unconscious and conscious processing of sensorimotor and mental information takes place in our brains. Finally, the brain process for decision-making, and its relationship with individual free will and responsibility, are also described.


#Neurophilosophy #Responsability #freewill #decisionmaking #MentalStates #mind #emotion #behavior #neurology #brain #neuroscience

Last updated 1 year ago

Javier Díaz-Nido · @Javier_DN
169 followers · 326 posts · Server red.niboe.info

Putting the Ph back into the PhD – across disciplines & cultures

Join us for our annual Katharine E. Welsh Symposium on R3eforming Graduate Science Education – worldwide!
Learn from the experiences of practitioners from the US and around the globe. Explore innovative approaches to advanced training in the 3R’s, Rigor, Reproducibility and Responsibility, in graduate science programs across the disciplines!


#3R #Responsability #reproducibility #rigor #biomedicine #science #research #university #graduateeducation #DoctoralEducation #PhDEducation #phd

Last updated 1 year ago