This edition of Art in Responsible Innovation features Mireia Bes Garcia from Bristol University and Oliver Langdon of Kilter Theatre in conversation with #JonathanHankins. The University of Bristol Public Engagement team and Kilter Theatre have collaborated several times over the last decade, working on immersive theatre projects on quantum/virtual reality and synthetic biology.
#art #responsibleinnovation #virtualreality #theatre #synteticbiology
#jonathanhankins #art #ResponsibleInnovation #virtualreality #theatre #synteticbiology
What are some great (published) examples of the “who could have known” effect in #innovation #design and #tech ?
I’m doing some research / writing / teaching around #responsibleInnovation and looking for books, articles, blogs with concrete examples to help illustrate (what I think is) systemic lack of consideration for unintended or undesirable impacts
#innovation #design #tech #ResponsibleInnovation
G20’s FSB Pushes for Global Crypto Regulations and Standards Aiming to Curb Crypto ‘Spillover’ Risks - On Monday, the Financial Stability Board (FSB), a product of the G20 organization,... - #jurisdictionalfinancialauthorities #traditionalfinancialsystem #globalregulatorystructure #financialstabilityboard #standard-settingbodies #responsibleinnovation #economicroles
#economicroles #ResponsibleInnovation #standard #financialstabilityboard #globalregulatorystructure #traditionalfinancialsystem #jurisdictionalfinancialauthorities
Finally again a live consortium meeting for a european project, in this case #ResponsibleInnovation (#rri ) about drivers for private investors to invest in #responsibility
#ResponsibleInnovation #rri #responsibility
I asked #ChatGPT what #universities should do with regard to the fact that the AI just passed an MBA exam and there are increasing worries from university professors that the tool will be used for cheating by students. Here's the response. While I tend to agree with the last bit, it also sounds a bit like the "guns don't kill people" argument ... What do my colleagues in #RRI / #responsibleinnovation have to say about this?
#ResponsibleInnovation #rri #universities #chatgpt
I asked #ChatGPT what #universities should do with regard to the fact that the AI just passed an MBA exam and there are increasing worries from university professors that the tool will be used for cheating by students. Here's the response. While I tend to agree with the last bit, it also sounds a bit like the "guns don't kill people" argument ... What do my colleagues in #RRI / #responsibleinnovation have to say about this?
#ResponsibleInnovation #rri #universities #chatgpt
Science & Technology Studies | Asst Prof, IIT Hyderabad | Editor-in-Chief @ESTSjournal | works on #ExtremeHeat and #Disaster #Governance in #SouthernCity contexts; #OpenScience, #OpenData, and #KnowledgeInfrastructures | #DigitalPlatforms and #ResponsibleInnovation #RRI
#extremeheat #disaster #governance #southerncity #openscience #opendata #knowledgeinfrastructures #digitalplatforms #ResponsibleInnovation #rri
🚨Looking for a job in #STS and/or #ResponsibleInnovation? Our ANU colleagues at the Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) are looking for 2 new colleagues to join their (great) interdisciplinary team. Details at
Richard Owen, René von Schomberg & Phil Macnaghten (2021) An unfinished journey? Reflections on a decade of responsible research and innovation, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 8:2, 217-233, DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2021.1948789
#rri #innovation #ResponsibleInnovation
Richard Owen, René von Schomberg & Phil Macnaghten (2021) An unfinished journey? Reflections on a decade of responsible research and innovation, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 8:2, 217-233, DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2021.1948789
#rri #innovation #ResponsibleInnovation
👋 My #introduction via a cake metaphor:
My base discipline (fruitcake) is engineering. Hashtags are #materialsengineering #mundanetechnology #assetlife
I'm all about the social impact of technology - marzipan layer is #sts #futureofwork #responsibleinnovation #inclusivedesign #participation
Day job is engineering education, so the icing is #highered #academic #futureofeducation #cocreation
Looking for (and prepared to support) a more civilised, positive and democratised social media.
#introduction #materialsengineering #mundanetechnology #assetlife #sts #futureofwork #ResponsibleInnovation #inclusivedesign #participation #highered #academic #FutureOfEducation #cocreation
👋 My #introduction via a cake metaphor:
My base discipline (fruitcake) is engineering. Relevant hashtags are #materialsengineering #mundanetechnology #assetlife
I'm all about the social impact of technology - marzipan layer is #futureofwork #responsibleinnovation #inclusivedesign #participation
Day job is engineering education, so the icing is #highered #academic #futureofeducation #cocreation
Looking for (and prepared to support) a more civilised, positive and democratised social media.
#introduction #materialsengineering #mundanetechnology #assetlife #futureofwork #ResponsibleInnovation #inclusivedesign #participation #highered #academic #FutureOfEducation #cocreation
Hier will ich mich mit #compliance und #responsibleinnovation, aber aber auch mit #datenschutz und #informationssicherheit befassen. Durchaus auch im beruflichen Kontext.
Here I will deal with #compliance and #responsibleinnovation, but also with #privacy and #informationsecurity. Definitely also in a professional context.
Wer mehr über mich nachlesen will findet Infos hier / who wants to read more about me can find info here
#compliance #ResponsibleInnovation #datenschutz #informationssicherheit #privacy #informationsecurity #neuhier #introduction
Meine derzeitige Urlaubslektüre 🤔#superintellicence #ki #ai #responsibleinnovation
#superintellicence #ki #ai #ResponsibleInnovation