@pvonhellermannn Yup. Even Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell just say, 'oh well, what can we do?', when discussing Kate Raworth's Donut Economics on their podcast Rest is Politics. We just have to keep pushing for change!
#GretaThunberg #Climate #RestIsPolitics
#gretathunberg #climate #RestIsPolitics
If #RestIsPolitics, a politics podcast (clue is in the name) is creating emergency episodes about the #bbc then it’s clear that the BBC has a political problem.
Most interesting podcast yet of the #RestIsPolitics #Leading series with Alan Milburn: Can the NHS be saved?
Episode webpage: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/leading
Media file: https://sphinx.acast.com/p/open/s/63c14d942c42340011fc0c8e/e/63d6d01fac7bb6001197f444/media.mp3
The Russian Army will Join with the Ukranian Army and depose Putin's regime
Listen to Marina Litvinenko: Fighting Putin's poison by Leading on Audible. https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B0BSTQLS6B?source_code=ASSOR150021921000O
#marinalitvinenko #RestIsPolitics #leading
The Russian Army will Join with the Ukranian Army and depose Putin's regime
#marinalitvinenko #RestIsPolitics #leading
I’m boosting podcasts again… First episode of #RestIsPolitics Leading series today - interesting interview with Lord Heseltine. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/leading-michael-heseltine/id1611374685?i=1000594543485 #ukpolitics
The #podcast with #HelenClark #RestIsPolitics was incredibly insightful. I almost forgot how wonderful a human she was. More female politicians on the podcast please
Particularly interesting were the sections on transition to proportional representation (painful but worth it) and the value of funding arts, culture and heritage
#podcast #helenclark #RestIsPolitics
Catching up with #RestIsPolitics and wtf is the comment that “women need to take makeup”
Rory/Alastair, do better.
a short list #Podcasts that i really enjoy and listen on my commute between hospitals / moments at home
#RestIsPolitics - now a classic if you want to hear about the mess that is UK
#TheNewsAgents - good range of topics discussed
#AchtMillliarden - the #Spiegel foreign affairs podcast
#InnerFrench - listening to some interesting topics to keep some Frenchin my head
#AudibleBleeding - vascular surgery podcast
#BehindTheKnife - surgical podcast
Any recommendations?
#Podcasts #RestIsPolitics #thenewsagents #AchtMillliarden #spiegel #InnerFrench #AudibleBleeding #BehindTheKnife