God loves us beyond belief!
He truly desires to restore every part of our mind, body and soul.
In this ministry, we have witnessed people being raised from the dead, blind eyes see, legs growing in length and much more 🙌
The testimonies we've heard here at #TheVoiceOfHealing, about what God has done in each person's life, is extraordinary!
To hear about what God has done for these individuals, visit voh.church/resources 👈
#ApostleMichaelPetro #God #Love #Healing #Testimony #Restoration #Ministry
#thevoiceofhealing #apostlemichaelpetro #god #love #healing #testimony #Restoration #ministry
Restoration of the Soul
How does the Lord restore our soul? To be restored is to be brought back to the original state, meaning there is a default or issue with the image of something. In Hebrew thought, our mind and soul are the same thing. The Lord restores our soul by changing the way we think.
Western culture says, “I am, therefore I think”; while Hebrew thought believes, “I think, therefore I am.”
We were created in the image of God, but through the rebellion and disobedience of man, we fell from His image (Gen 1:26, Gen 3). God restores us back into His image, through the renewing of our mind, or the way that we think (Rom 12:2). This all happens through the knowledge and understanding of Scripture (Col 3:10).
#Restoration #Souls #Knowledge #Renew #Mind #Right #Understand #One #Counsel #Wisdom #Respect #Heart #Soul #Pure #Hebrew #Spirit #Christ
#christ #spirit #Hebrew #pure #Soul #heart #respect #wisdom #Counsel #one #Understand #right #mind #Renew #knowledge #souls #Restoration
What does true restoration look like?
God is restoring us to a deeper understanding of who He is, while also turning the hearts of the fathers in the faith (those mature in understanding) back to the hearts of the children (those immature in their understanding) and vice versa (Mal 4:6). This is referring to our ability to see and understand spiritual things, or the deeper things of scripture, i.e., the man whose eyesight was restored when Jesus placed His hands over his eyes (Mar 8:25). The Lord wants our eyes to be opened to understand His word.
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#TheVoiceOfHealing #Restoration #EyesToSee #Spiritual #Understanding #Elijah #Father #Son
#Son #father #Elijah #Understanding #spiritual #EyesToSee #Restoration #thevoiceofhealing
The Lord came to bring sinners (those ignorant of truth) to repentance. What does true repentance look like? Repentance is not just telling God your mistakes, but it actually speaks of change.
Get connected with us by visiting www.voh.church/connect
#knowledge #learn #Turn #Restoration #change #voh
As we are moving into a new week, come join us at Voice of Healing church for service tomorrow to receive a refreshing of your soul through praise and teaching.
Address: 2001 Post Oak Blvd Houston, TX 77056
Time: 11am
Connect with us at voh.church.
#christian #Sermon #Praise #Worship #jesus #Restoration #thevoiceofhealing
Co-laboring with the Lord by Early Church Fathers
To be restored and made new requires action on our part, God doesn’t just do it all for us.
God desires to co-labor with us to restore our soul so we can then in turn use that wisdom and understanding to restore other souls.
Click the link in our bio to read the full article. https://bit.ly/2YmZODr
#Goodworks #Restoration #healing #thevoiceofhealing
Who is Gideon’s army? The scriptures regarding this army contain a deep meaning & symbolism that pertains to the end of the age.
God isn’t looking for everyone, but for His remnant so that the words of Zechariah will be fulfilled: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’
Make sure you understand & meet the criteria to be a part of the army.
Click the link for the waters of revelation: https://voh.church/watch
#Restoration #FinalHarvest #Remnant #army #Gideon #thevoiceofhealing