I must say... the view from the suite we're staying at for the next two nights in #Boquete, #Panama ain't too shabby!! Not bad for about $100/night out the door! 🇵🇦
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #financialfreedom #retireearly #permanentvacation #whyforfi
#boquete #panama #thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #FinancialFreedom #RetireEarly #PermanentVacation #whyforfi
"We’ve dropped about $30k in cash in a matter of weeks – that’s the majority of our annual spending money gone."
#travel #rvtravel #rvlife #thisiswhyiretired #routetoretire #earlyretirement #retirement #retireearly #livingthedream #lovinglife #personalfinance #pf #money #spending #FIRE #financialfreedom #financialindependence #lifeisgood #permanentvacation #adventure
#travel #rvtravel #rvlife #thisiswhyiretired #routetoretire #earlyretirement #retirement #RetireEarly #livingthedream #lovinglife #personalfinance #pf #money #spending #fire #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #lifeisgood #PermanentVacation #adventure
It's strange but really cool to see Volcán Barú when looking out the windows from the house we're staying at in Boquete and realize that I actually hiked up that volcano before. Such a beautiful country! 🇵🇦
#stillproudofmyself #livingthedream
#thisiswhyiretired #lifeisgood #family #freedom #financialfreedom #financialindependence #retireearly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #permanentvacation #panama 🇵🇦 #boquete #whyforfi #volcanbaru #volcano #mountain
#stillproudofmyself #livingthedream #thisiswhyiretired #lifeisgood #family #freedom #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #RetireEarly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #PermanentVacation #panama #boquete #whyforfi #volcanbaru #volcano #mountain
"There’s no special trick. It really is just living within your means, saving, investing, and waiting. The more you can save and invest and the sooner you can do it makes a difference, too."
#personalfinance #fire #financialindependence #financialfreedom #retireearly #saving #investing #compoundinterest #routetoretire #livingthedream #lifeisgood
#personalfinance #fire #financialindependence #FinancialFreedom #RetireEarly #saving #investing #compoundinterest #routetoretire #livingthedream #lifeisgood
Well, we got up at 2am to start our travel from Cleveland to Boquete. We didn't get in until 6pm... 16 hours of travel makes for one long day! But we made it and we're looking forward to spending the next 30 days back here in Boquete, Panama!
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #financialfreedom #financialindependence #retireearly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #permanentvacation #panama 🇵🇦 #boquete #whyforfi #travel #longdayoftravel #goodtobeback
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #RetireEarly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #PermanentVacation #panama #boquete #whyforfi #travel #longdayoftravel #goodtobeback
"We've decided to wrap up the lease to our apartment here in Ohio later this summer, put our stuff in storage, and travel around the country with an RV travel trailer for 8-10 months."
#travel #rvtravel #rvlife #thisiswhyiretired #routetoretire #earlyretirement #retirement #retireearly #livingthedream #lovinglife #personalfinance #pf #money #spending #FIRE #financialfreedom #financialindependence #lifeisgood #permanentvacation #adventure
#travel #rvtravel #rvlife #thisiswhyiretired #routetoretire #earlyretirement #retirement #RetireEarly #livingthedream #lovinglife #personalfinance #pf #money #spending #fire #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #lifeisgood #PermanentVacation #adventure
Not a bad start to the day. Worked out and then Faith and I took a bike ride to get a credit card from Chase (exclusive promo in the branches) and to DQ for lunch and ice cream.
Some good dadd--daughter time and enjoying the good weather. Life is good.
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #financialfreedom #financialindependence #retireearly #whyforfi #permanentvacation #biking #getoutside #dairyqueen #icecream #smores #creditcard #travelrewards #daddydaughtertime
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #RetireEarly #whyforfi #PermanentVacation #biking #getoutside #dairyqueen #icecream #smores #creditcard #travelrewards #daddydaughtertime
Hey, look what I just learned I can do! Never thought I'd be able to do handstand push-ups in my life! Now, I'm excited to do this regularly and see how many I can get up! 💪🏋️♂️😎😜
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #financialfreedom #financialindependence #retireearly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #whyforfi #permanentvacation #adventure #akron #ohio #fitness #handstand #handstandpushups #strengthtraining #exercise #exercisemotivation #kickingassandtakingnames
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #RetireEarly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #whyforfi #PermanentVacation #adventure #akron #ohio #fitness #handstand #handstandpushups #strengthtraining #exercise #exercisemotivation #kickingassandtakingnames
She might already be 12, but when you get a little Daddy-daughter time and she wants to build a fort, you build a fort!
And somehow I convinced her to watch Star Wars with me... fingers crossed she enjoys it!
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream
#lifeisgood #family
#freedom #financialfreedom
#financialindependence #retireearly
#whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire
#whyforfi #permanentvacation #akron
#ohio #fort #buildingafort #starwars
#daddydaughter #daddydaughtertime
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #RetireEarly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #whyforfi #PermanentVacation #akron #ohio #fort #buildingafort #starwars #daddydaughter #daddydaughtertime
Having a rave #groupwatch , if you have a Netflix account pop through.
Dear #FIRE #FI 🏠🚐🚙🆓💸 Folks, #tinyhome #vanlife #skoolie #rv #financialindependence #retireearly
Chill and watch media together from the comfort of your own home.
https://rave.watch/Qtjof “GetSmartWithMoney” is playing now #Raveapp #Netflix #WatchParty
Also open to #raves with others who have #ParamountPlus #disneyplus
#budget #lpt #lifeprotips #dreamsavings #emotionalspending #thrifters #thrifting #thriftlife #MinimalHouse #tinyhouse #minimalist #minimalism #nomad #iosapps #androidapps #jobsecurity #retirement #snowbirds #retirees #emptynesters #emptynest #journaling #automobile #carproblems #automechanic #autodetailer #carengine #familyplanning #broker #houseshopping #realestateinvestment #careers #career #jobs #antiwork #independence #picnic #leisure #nft #digitalnomad #nomadiclife #nomad #rvlife #houseboat #shedlife #coachhouse #coachhome #doubleincome #emergencysavings #spendingaccount #bulkbuying #shopping #groceryshopping #groceries #grocerylist #bulkpricing #prioritization #mariekondo #kondo #declutter #anxiety #depression #mentalhealthsupport #opportunity #progress #community #chronichomelessness #chronicpoverty #therapy #ptsd #cptsd #fears #responsible #adulting #lowermarkups #costpercalorie #cheapnutrition #foodbudget #costsavings #loyaltycard #shoppingaddiction #annualspending #firenumber #financialhelp #finance #financialadvice #savemoney #sme #hustle #grind #disposableincome #indebted #smallbusiness #overspending #consumerism #consumers #consumertrends #lifestyletrends #consumerwatch #preppers #frugal #frugality #millionaire #billionaire #impulsebuy #buyersremorse #impulsivespending #wealth #generationalwealth #mortgage #carpayments #car #savings #rrsp #reit #rdsp #savingsplan #getsmartwithmoney #smartmoney #exponentialGrowth #value #inflation #foodsecurity #foodinsecurity #monthlyincome #weeklyincome #gigeconomy #sidegig #investing #passiveincome #residualincome #financialassets #assets #asset #liability #financialliabilities #taxwriteoff #businessexpenses #familyvacation #solofemale #minimalistwallets #stocks #earlyretirement #ratrace #financialsecurity #financialfreedom #taxseason #guaranteedincome #downsizing #downsize #bankruptcy #debt #debtfree #CreditRating #creditscore #moneyanxiety #financialanxiety #success #successfulmindset #shiftingmindset #experiences #vacations #vacation #pto #paidtimeoff #overtime #financialflexibility
#groupwatch #fire #fi #tinyhome #vanlife #skoolie #rv #financialindependence #RetireEarly #raveapp #netflix #watchparty #raves #ParamountPlus #disneyplus #budget #lpt #lifeprotips #dreamsavings #emotionalspending #thrifters #thrifting #thriftlife #MinimalHouse #tinyhouse #minimalist #minimalism #nomad #iosapps #androidapps #jobsecurity #retirement #snowbirds #retirees #emptynesters #emptynest #journaling #automobile #carproblems #automechanic #autodetailer #carengine #familyplanning #broker #houseshopping #realestateinvestment #careers #career #jobs #antiwork #independence #picnic #leisure #nft #digitalnomad #nomadiclife #rvlife #houseboat #shedlife #coachhouse #coachhome #doubleincome #emergencysavings #spendingaccount #bulkbuying #shopping #groceryshopping #groceries #grocerylist #bulkpricing #prioritization #mariekondo #Kondo #declutter #anxiety #depression #mentalhealthsupport #opportunity #progress #community #chronichomelessness #chronicpoverty #therapy #ptsd #cptsd #fears #responsible #adulting #lowermarkups #costpercalorie #cheapnutrition #foodbudget #costsavings #loyaltycard #shoppingaddiction #annualspending #firenumber #financialHelp #finance #financialadvice #savemoney #sme #hustle #grind #disposableincome #indebted #smallbusiness #overspending #consumerism #consumers #consumertrends #lifestyletrends #consumerwatch #preppers #frugal #frugality #millionaire #billionaire #impulsebuy #buyersremorse #impulsivespending #wealth #generationalwealth #mortgage #carpayments #car #savings #rrsp #reit #rdsp #savingsplan #getsmartwithmoney #smartmoney #exponentialGrowth #value #inflation #foodsecurity #foodinsecurity #monthlyincome #weeklyincome #gigeconomy #sidegig #investing #PassiveIncome #residualincome #financialassets #assets #asset #liability #financialliabilities #taxwriteoff #businessexpenses #familyvacation #solofemale #minimalistwallets #stocks #earlyretirement #ratrace #financialsecurity #financialfreedom #taxseason #guaranteedincome #downsizing #downsize #bankruptcy #debt #debtfree #CreditRating #CreditScore #moneyanxiety #financialanxiety #success #successfulmindset #shiftingmindset #experiences #vacations #vacation #pto #paidtimeoff #overtime #financialflexibility
#noshavenovember #beard #pornstache #mustache #photoshoot #beardsareitchy #thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #financialfreedom #financialindependence #retireearly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #whyforfi #permanentvacation
#noshavenovember #beard #pornstache #mustache #photoshoot #beardsareitchy #thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #family #freedom #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #RetireEarly #whitefamilyadventures #routetoretire #whyforfi #PermanentVacation