Return to Monkey Island Part 5 - Using The Whole Buffalo - CharacterSelect
#CharacterSelect #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#characterselect #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Return to Monkey Island Part 4 - Convoluted Mop Making - CharacterSelect
#CharacterSelect #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#characterselect #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Piratiges Rätseln gefällig? Dann gibt’s hier Teil 4 vom #letsplay zu #ReturnToMonkeyIsland Guybrush bringt geliehene Bücher zurück, schreibt Entschuldigungskarten, geht ins Museum und schnitzt sich einen Mopp. Normales Piratenzeugs halt. Arrr! 🏴☠️ #gaming #peertube #adventure #pointclick #FediVideos
#letsplay #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #gaming #peertube #adventure #pointclick #FediVideos
Return to Monkey Island Part 3 - Old Friends - CharacterSelect
#CharacterSelect #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#characterselect #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Return to Monkey Island Part 2 - A Mighty Not-So-Pirate - CharacterSelect
#CharacterSelect #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#characterselect #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Here’s to campfires, good friends, and good stories!
#monkeyisland #ReturnToMonkeyIsland
Return to Monkey Island Part 1 - Don't Eat the Scurvydogs - CharacterSelect
#CharacterSelect #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#characterselect #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
The #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #devcom panel was so much fun for us and the audience. Such a supportive group of people. The entire 50 minute talk was 100% Q&A. We could have continued answering questions for hours. Left to right: Paul Toderas (moderator), Zoé Nguyen Thanh (artist), Dave Grossman (co-designer/writer), Ron Gilbert (creator, co-designer/writer), David Fox (lead game programmer), Rex Crowle (art director)
Karibische Temperaturen in Deutschland, da kann man ja auch gleich virtuell verreisen! Eine Möglichkeit: Folge 3 meines #letsplay von #ReturnToMonkeyIsland 🏴☠️ Wir wollen uns auf LeChucks LeShip schmuggeln und brauchen dazu einen Mopp… 🧹 #gaming #adventure #pointnclick
#letsplay #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #gaming #adventure #pointnclick
Heute geht es zwischen 15:30 & 16 Uhr mit #ReturnToMonkeyIsland weiter ☠️
Wir sind aktuell in Akt 4, auf der Suche nach den 5 goldenen Schlüsseln 🗝️
Schaut gerne vorbei ✨#GerVTuber #VTuberUprising #TwitchDE
#twitchde #vtuberuprising #GERVtuber #ReturnToMonkeyIsland
I've spent the last couple of days working on the 🇮🇹 Italian 🇮🇹 translation for my latest game "Not enough time", so I decided to write a blog post about the approach I used to make the game translation ready (mostly so I won't forget *again* how it works, next time I make a game):
The approach I use is (very) heavily inspired by the one used by @grumpygamer in #ThimbleweedPark and #ReturnToMonkeyIsland. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
#thimbleweedpark #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #devlog
Je später der Abend desto piratiger die Stimmung… 🏴☠️ Es gibt die zweite Folge meines #letsplay (s) von #returntomonkeyisland auf die Augenklappe! Wir sind mit Guybrush zurück auf Mêlée Island, doch es hat sich einiges verändert… #video #gaming #fedigaming #adventure #pointnclick
#letsplay #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #video #gaming #fedigaming #adventure #pointnclick
Hallöchen ihr Lieben 🧡
ab Morgen ab ca. 17 Uhr starten
Thiatan & ich in #ReturntoMonkeyIsland rein 🏴☠️
Schaut gerne auf vorbei ✨
#GerVTuber #VTuberUprising #TwitchDE
#twitchde #vtuberuprising #GERVtuber #ReturnToMonkeyIsland
YAY !!
Had to remove the .steam dir and redownload everything but #returntomonkeyisland is mine!
Return to Monkey Island (PC) Part 5 - Beneath the Monkey Head playthrough
#JimtheSFN #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#jimthesfn #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Return to Monkey Island (PC) Part 4 - Things Get Complicated (part 2 of 2) playthrough
#JimtheSFN #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#jimthesfn #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Return to Monkey Island (PC) Part 4 - Things Get Complicated (part 1 of 2) playthrough
#JimtheSFN #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#jimthesfn #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Return to Monkey Island (PC) Part 3 - Return to Monkey Island playthrough
#JimtheSFN #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#jimthesfn #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Return to Monkey Island (PC) Part 2 - A Dangerous Journey playthrough
#JimtheSFN #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#jimthesfn #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Return to Monkey Island (PC) Part 1 - A Friendly Place playthrough
#JimtheSFN #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #TerribleToybox #RonGilbert #GuyBrushThreepwood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#jimthesfn #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #terribletoybox #rongilbert #guybrushthreepwood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick