It's been a long time, but finally I could find a moment to try the #ReturntoMonkeyIsland and it was really magic. I just could play a couple of hours, but there were probably the best 2h of the week. @grumpygamer realy teleport me to my childhood were I could simply enjoy a game for a while... unfortunately my adult self appeared to remind me that reality needed me. Hopping to continue muy trip around Mêlée Island soon.
Els 10 millors videojocs del 2022
Els deu videojocs del 2022 que més recomanem i que hauries de conèixer.
#Recomanats #APlagueTale:Requiem #EldenRing #Endling #FAR:ChangingTides #GodofWarRagnarök #Millorsvideojocsdel'any #Pentiment #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #Stray #Tunic #VampireSurvivors
#Recomanats #aplaguetale #eldenring #Endling #far #GodofWarRagnarok #millorsvideojocsdel #pentiment #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #stray #Tunic #VampireSurvivors
El resumen de #Steam del año creo que salva mi carnet de gamer. Tabletop simulator (#Gloomhaven), #ElderRing, #Spiritfarer, #ReturnToMonkeyIsland...
#steam #gloomhaven #elderring #spiritfarer #ReturntoMonkeyIsland
Recomanats de setembre del 2022
Tornem a l'Illa dels Micos, travessem l'infern a Metal: Hellsinger i ens perdem al jardí de casa amb Grounded.
#Recomanats #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #Grounded #Metal:Hellsinger #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #Videojocs
#Recomanats #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #grounded #metal #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #videojocs
An innovative adventure that features some old pirate pals, #ReturnToMonkeyIsland's interface, presentation, voice acting, and humor all make this modern homecoming a refreshing and absolutely necessary game. Read our spoiler-free review.
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RT from Sam Machkovech ☂️ (@samred)
#ReturnToMonkeyIsland is now on sale on Switch and PC, and I strongly recommend making time to play this game before it lands on my year-end list of 2022 favorites. A refreshing and absolutely necessary game. Here's my feature-length, spoiler-free review.
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Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman took us on a tour of the final build of #ReturntoMonkeyIsland at @PAX—and our ride-along interview left us just as excited (and impatient) for the game's long-awaited release later this month.
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Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman took us on a tour of the final build of #ReturntoMonkeyIsland at @PAX—and our ride-along interview left us just as excited (and impatient) for the game's long-awaited release later this month.
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Oh! a finals d'aquest any arribarà un nou joc de #MonkeyIsland per #NintendoSwitch i #PC.
#monkeyisland #nintendoswitch #pc #ReturntoMonkeyIsland
#MonkeyIsland atera zuten garaian ez neukan ordenagailurik. #AbenturaGrafikoak gustatzen zaizkidanez egitekoen zerrendan daukat aspalditik. Orain #ReturnToMonkeyIsland argitaratu behar dutenez aitzakia polita daukat 😉
#monkeyisland #AbenturaGrafikoak #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #bideojokoak
Return to Monkey Island aurkeztu du Ron Gilbert sortzaileak
#bideojokoak #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #AbenturaGrafikoak