Even though #ReubensBrews of Seattle calls its Stay Frosty #IPA a fall seasonal, I can’t help but look at the name and the style — #ColdIPA — and think that this should really be a winter beer. So it’s getting the holiday beer review treatment!
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/holiday-beer-reviews-stay-frosty-ipa-from-reubens-brews/
#holidaybeer #brewery #beerreviews #craftbeer #beer #coldipa #ipa #ReubensBrews
Snow again today, so popping a can of Stay Frosty IPA from #ReubensBrews seemed perfectly fitting. This cold IPA is one to have on hand as the winter approaches.
#craftbeer #coldipa #ipa #beer #ReubensBrews
The summer of festivals for #ReubensBrews 10th anniversary continues this weekend, with the brewery’s anniversary block party taking place at its taproom on Saturday, August 6. All 10 beers from its anniversary collaboration series will be available and more.
#beer #BlockParty
More: https://www.thebrewsite.com/reubens-brews-celebrates-10-years-with-a-block-party-august-6/
#blockparty #beer #ReubensBrews
The 10th anniversary festivities continue for #ReubensBrews, and the latest announcement from the Seattle #brewery reveals the “Summer of Festivals” taking place through August.
Details: https://www.thebrewsite.com/summer-of-festivals-for-reubens-brews-10th-anniversary/