Good Morning #Evol2023 Interested how to improve inferences of trait dependent #diversification (BiSSE et al.)? Come see my talk on "Causality in SSE Models" in the Symposium "Paving the way to the Phenome" in the Kiva Auditorium from 10:15-10:44 today!
#evol2023 #diversification #evolution2023 #RevBayes #macroevolution
New preprint: adequacy testing for #BiSSE (and other SSE) models using posterior predictive simulations in #RevBayes
Work I did with
@willfreyman and Emma Goldberg. Stay tuned for more!
#bisse #RevBayes #phylogenetics #macroevolution #diversification
Just using the fact that I finally threw this on my website as the opportunity to share this here, in case anyone might find it useful:
During my stay at the U of Idaho, I taught a #workshop / #course on using #RevBayes for #phylogenetics / #macroevolution, focused on easing way into the first steps in Rev for folks who mainly had #R experience.
#workshop #course #RevBayes #phylogenetics #macroevolution #r