RT @PanktiMehta24@twitter.com
🔥 spondyloarthritis
👉The spectrum of nR SpA, R SpA and bamboo spine 🚫 linear
#MedTwitter #MedEd #rheumatology @ACRheum@twitter.com #ACRambassador
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PanktiMehta24/status/1591698849009369089
#ReviewCourse #acr22 #medtwitter #MedEd #rheumatology #ACRambassador
RT @PanktiMehta24@twitter.com
✏️Some take home messages!
🔸 Pain 🚫 proportional to radiographic damage
🔸 Pain sensitivity is an issue
🔸 Imaging NOT needed to make a diagnosis or for routine follow up
🔸Imaging for atypical presentations✅
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PanktiMehta24/status/1591704958810091520
#ReviewCourse #acr22 #osteoarthritis
#CRC for those at the #ReviewCourse
RT @Ertugrul_cagri@twitter.com
Causes for low diagnostic and gene discovery rates
#ACRAmbassador https://t.co/ux7C1FcbX8
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Ertugrul_cagri/status/1591093608870207493
#acr22 #icymi #CRC #ReviewCourse #ACRambassador
basics of DXA and osteoporosis
RT @vksandhumd@twitter.com
👉🏾DEXA shd be done in
- F w E def
- XR w fx of spine or OSP
- steroids > 3mo and >5mg/d
- primary HyperPTH
- f/u Rx every 23 mo unless on steroids - sooner
👉🏾T score -2.5 or less with fracture = sev OSP
#reviewcourse #osteoporosis #bonehealth
#ACR22 #ACRambassador
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/vksandhumd/status/1591091690391375873
#acr22 #ReviewCourse #osteoporosis #bonehealth #ACRambassador
More on the NYU experience on how to choose treatments for PsA
RT @vksandhumd@twitter.com
NYU experience with PsA
- MTX for peripheral disease, then adjust based on skin disease (APR/TNF/IL17/IL23)
- Axial dz per skin disease (mild = TNF/IL17; mod-severe = IFX / IL17/IL23)
#ACR22 #ACRambassador
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/vksandhumd/status/1591087523862044673
#acr22 #icymi #ReviewCourse #ACRambassador
True whirlwind #spondyloarthritis overview from Dr Scher
RT @Nellziade@twitter.com
Great overview on #spondyloarthritis and #psoriaticarthritis by Jose Scher
#ACR22 @ACRheum@twitter.com #ACRambassador
#RheumTwitter #MedTwitter
#Reviewcourse https://t.co/d8YQQaUecm
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nellziade/status/1591088636438597632
#acr22 #icymi #spondyloarthritis #psoriaticarthritis #ACRambassador #RheumTwitter #medtwitter #ReviewCourse
How to perform some of these #Sjogrens diagnostic tests?
RT @vksandhumd@twitter.com
Unstim salivary flow
Dixie cups + drool x 5 min + scale
1mg = 1mL saliva
<0.5mL - abnml
Schirmer's test location: medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3 meeting point.
<10 - abnml
Focus score = # of foci (50Lyc) per 4sqmm
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/vksandhumd/status/1591072251129974784
#acr22 #icymi #Sjogrens #ReviewCourse
Accompaniment to the #Sjogrens talk in the #ReviewCourse
RT @CreakyJoints@twitter.com
Lots of talk this morning at #ACR22 about #sjogrens. Key takeaway ▶️ while dry eye and parched mouth may be common symptoms, there's more you should pay attention to. Check out this resource for more info on those symptoms:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CreakyJoints/status/1591075827974049792
#acr22 #icymi #Sjogrens #ReviewCourse
#ReviewCourse #Sjogrens talk had a lot of emphasis on the DDX
RT @RashmiDhitalMD@twitter.com
The many mimics of SjD #ACR22 https://t.co/7p6J6UKcQp
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RashmiDhitalMD/status/1591076450362433537
#acr22 #icymi #ReviewCourse #Sjogrens
Waiting for him to say "VEXAS rhymes with Texas" as he did in a prior presentation
#ACR22 #ReviewCourse https://twitter.com/DrPedsRheum/status/1364621046947606529?s=20&t=LN8nbCFX4Kc_2RzyOEr6qA
"This is fact stranger than fiction!"
🔍odd vacuoles in the myeloid precursor cells in the bone marrow
After discussion with heme path, they found more patients (seen 8 yrs prior) with #VEXAS
🧬"UBA1 is the mother of all ubiquitin genes"
🔍Curious part of the story: it's encoded on the X chromosome in a disease seen in older men
💡It's a sporadic mutation
He's going to end with #VEXAS with the exclamation point
The story involves working backwards: genotype first, rather than collecting cases with similar phenotype
Now the story of DADA2
protein: adenosine deaminase 2
➡️effects on vascular and myeloid development
➡️hence early onset strokes, livedo, vasculopathy
"A triumph of molecular medicine": the effective use of IL-1b inhibition in cryopyrinopathies
An erstwhile mentor told me this was a "feel good NIH story"
TRAPS - perhaps best to learn it in contrast to FMF
⚡️longer episodes
⚡️not responsive to colchicine
🧬TNFRSF1A, coding for p55 TNF receptor
💉canakinumab (though steroids effective)
FMF 101, all on one slide
🧬Mutation: MEFV which encodes the protein pyrin
(#ACRKnowledgeBowl stuff!)
💊colchicine or 💉canakinumab if intolerant/refractory
#ACRKnowledgeBowl #acr22 #ReviewCourse
RT @noellealicia242@twitter.com
Last speaker up! Diagnosis and Management of Autoinflammatory Syndromes by Dr. Kastner of NIH! #ACR22 #reviewcourse
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/noellealicia242/status/1591147819003678720