dadamsda · @dadamsda
87 followers · 1475 posts · Server
· @rabenauge
34 followers · 65 posts · Server

Our Revision-Party release is almost ready!

#Revision #demoscene

Last updated 2 years ago

Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1614 followers · 4305 posts · Server

My revision class ended with the question: How do you know when a piece of writing is finished?

It's really hard! Of course sometimes, the answer is "It's due!" Other times "I'm sick of it!"

I have tricks like letting it rest, reader feedback.

But what I think about most is: "Does this do what I want it to do?" & "Am I proud of it?"

There's no answering "Is it good?" So not that one!

How do you know when a story is done?

#writingcommunity #writingcraft #Revision #amwriting #amediting

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
805 followers · 39520 posts · Server

@BinGanzBrav Richtig so!

Besser spät als nie...

Würde mir wünschen dass solange dagegen einlegt bis er vorm oder gar dafür aufs M0wl bekommt und wie klar als schwere Straftaten [Schwere Beleidigung & Verleundung] bestätigt werden.

#deadnaming #misgendering #egmr #bverfg #Revision #reichelt

Last updated 2 years ago

· @rabenauge
33 followers · 57 posts · Server
Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1591 followers · 3922 posts · Server

Also--I teach them together because I like the relationship, not because I think they are the same thing or whatever.

Some good questions we talk about: Can you create a motif of the object that is also a metaphor? Can you create a metaphor out of an object that is also a motif? Or do you prefer motifs that are not metaphorical but just lovely? How can a motif build cohesion in your story apart from any meaning it takes on?

#writingcommunity #amwriting #writingcraft #Revision #metaphor #motif

Last updated 2 years ago

Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1591 followers · 3921 posts · Server

My class has been working with metaphor & motifs this week.

My theory is that they can be grown organically out of stories, that mid-to-late revision is a GREAT time to be thinking seriously about them--that the objects/imagery already in your stories will make more natural feeling metaphors and motifs than something superficially added.

How/when/or-do-you-even think about metaphors? What about motifs?

#writingcommunity #amwriting #writingcraft #Revision #metaphor #motif

Last updated 2 years ago

tinydoctor · @tinydoctor
23 followers · 173 posts · Server

The angel sinned light.
First and prime spark,
scratch of flame
on the rough nothing
of god’s unspoken

The invariant broken
the angel fell into existence
from chaos into order,
the weight of all matter
on its wings.

Each photon
an infinitesimal death-into-light,
an angel child
unfurling the universe
along the binding curve
of Lucifer’s wings.

(This is a of an old . I always sneered at old poets revising the of their youth, yet here I am, doing it.)

#Poetry #Poem #Revision

Last updated 2 years ago

Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1373 followers · 2188 posts · Server

My 8 week revision class has started--ask me if I'm grateful for the incredible conversations I've had here about different writers' revision processes?

I am! Thanks for your wisdom, my people, and keep it coming!

#writingcommunity #writingcraft #Revision #amwriting #amediting #eightweeks

Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah Rose Reeves · @deborahrosereeves
469 followers · 863 posts · Server

"Revision isn't only the act of composition. Revision is thinking applied to language, an opening and reopening of discovery, a search for the sentence that says the thing you had no idea you could say hidden inside the sentence you're making."

- Verlyn Klinkenborg, Several Short Sentences About Writing

#writing #writingcraft #writinglife #Revision

Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah Rose Reeves · @deborahrosereeves
469 followers · 862 posts · Server

"A belief that the writer's real work is making newness out of nothing. As if creativity only takes place where the ink stops and the blank page begins, where the cursor sits blinking. As if newness couldn't originate between sentences or within a sentence. As if revision were essentially secondary and uncreative."

- Verlyn Klinkenborg, Several Short Sentences About Writing

#writing #writingcraft #Revision

Last updated 2 years ago

Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1253 followers · 1851 posts · Server
Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1242 followers · 1752 posts · Server

I mean, It's fun to get ideas and encouragement on early drafts from other people, but I guess I'm nervous if I show a thing too early, someone else's ideas will take over my own. It's like I don't mind showing what is not yet good, but I don't show it if I don't know my own intentions yet.

And yet! It can even be a helpful thing to talk through intentions with other writers you trust, just as a tool to figure them out.

#writingcommunity #writinglife #Revision #revising #amwriting #amediting

Last updated 2 years ago

Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1242 followers · 1751 posts · Server

At what point to do you show your work? For feedback, I mean.

I try to get it as far as I can on my own first, but I know others are looser about that. Or maybe _sometimes_ I let my external deadlines decide...

#writingcommunity #writinglife #Revision #revising #amwriting #amediting

Last updated 2 years ago

Virginia Stonek · @virginia
75 followers · 62 posts · Server

A raíz de un pedido de que me llegó ayer, les recuerdo que no es una práctica ética aceptar encargos en variedades que no dominamos.

español de España ≠ español de LatAm

Seamos conscientes de nuestras limitaciones y dejemos lugar a otros colegas más idóneos.

#xl8 #traductores #translation #traduccion #Revision

Last updated 2 years ago

Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1236 followers · 1748 posts · Server

I want to be a human prompt bot. I want to hang out in writing hashtags and no matter what the good news or gripe or observation is, I want to shoot back a related writing prompt.

I'd also like to be paid for doing this so I could make a decent living and still have time to write my own stuff.

#dreams #writingcommunity #writinglife #Revision #revising #amwriting #amediting #writingtips #prompt #writingprompt

Last updated 2 years ago

Kerry Burnett (Writer) · @kerryburnetty
200 followers · 574 posts · Server

No, you have files saved on your laptop called 'final draft', 'final final draft', 'definitely the final draft', 'absolutely the final draft, honest'!

#writingcommunity #writinglife #Revision #revising #amediting #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1232 followers · 1699 posts · Server

Some of what this incredible & wide-ranging discussion (of what counts a draft) has brought to light are the various ways writers approach revision. Some see it as a time to fix, correct, fill holes, etc. to realize an already clear vision. Others use revision as another discovery phase, making bold changes, experimenting & just _playing_ with their stories.

If you're up for it, I'd love to talk more about all of that.

#writingcommunity #writinglife #Revision #revising #amediting #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Allison · @paulallison
368 followers · 108 posts · Server

At youth can power up their chops with the 's -3 When users create a post or edit one they can open the AI Mojo plugin where they can use the AI models: solves questions about students needing accounts or being blocked by the district.

We're asking youth to revise by getting summaries for each paragraph. This follows a recently published article about a study bringing AI and the strategy of reverse outlining together. See

#Revision #openai #GPT

Last updated 2 years ago

Allison Wyss · @allisonwyss
1201 followers · 1551 posts · Server

I have long thought that a "draft" is just about the most useless unit of measurement of all time. I mean, I use the term quite frequently and I have a (vague!) sense of how I mean it. But some writers move a comma and call it a new draft, while others do a complete overhaul before they save as "draft2."

What constitutes a new draft for you? Maybe it doesn't matter as long as you keep moving forward, but I'm curious.

#writingcommunity #writinglife #Revision #revising #amwriting #amediting

Last updated 2 years ago