Helen Lockhart · @HelenLockhart
672 followers · 1653 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Disappointed (but not surprised) the BBC chose to not even schedule the women's Hundred cricket today from Edgebaston when the men's game was due to be shown

#everydaysexism #shoutsintothevoid #RhetoricalQuestion

Last updated 1 year ago

Why is it that when I can always forgive everyone else for everything they’ve ever done I can never forgive myself for anything?


Last updated 2 years ago

kim_harding · @kim_harding
438 followers · 5295 posts · Server mastodon.scot

The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons history.com/news/black-panther
Back in the 1960s, even the NRA supported gun control to disarm the group

Now why would that be?

Just for the record, I support , no matter who has them. The UK shows that it is possible to have a (largely) disarmed police force, this should be normal for any democracy

#guncontrol #RhetoricalQuestion

Last updated 2 years ago

kim_harding · @kim_harding
438 followers · 5305 posts · Server mastodon.scot

The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons history.com/news/black-panther
Back in the 1960s, even the NRA supported gun control to disarm the group

Now why would that be?


Last updated 2 years ago

Also I already booked our lodging for our anniversary and I'm excited. Is it bad that I planned the stay around 1) the ocean and 2) restaurants in beach towns that looked fucking bomb?


Last updated 2 years ago

b9AcE · @b9AcE
641 followers · 1825 posts · Server todon.eu

It's called "the marketplace of ideas",
because that is where the exploiters of the productive classes and the opulent hoarders buy personal power to devastate humankind and the world with their ideas,
by buying news-, entertainment- and social-media platforms as well as through causing advertisement-dependence for survival of such platforms they do not yet own also buy protection for their ideas from fair criticism on equal footing for those whose preferred ideas are based on non-exploitation and instead mutual aid, non-competitive cooperation synergies and humanity,
isn't it?


Last updated 2 years ago