#Celtic #MythologyMonday: `#Rhiannon rejected the betrothal thrust on her by her #fairy family and took a human named Pwyll as her consort, bearing him a son who was then stolen by a monster. The disappearance of their newborn son on #Beltane night,
#celtic #mythologymonday #Rhiannon #fairy #beltane
`It was said that the beautiful singing of the Birds of #Rhiannon could be heard at the threshold of the #Otherworld. When #Bran`s men began their years and entertainment with his oracular head, they heard the rare singing of these birds, which was the sign that they had entered the #Otherworld.
Source: Claire Hamilton `The #Celtic Book of Seasonal Meditations`
RT @PaulJRobichaud
‘And there came three birds, and began singing unto them a certain song, and all the songs they had ever heard were unpleasant compared…
#Rhiannon #otherworld #Bran #celtic
#Celtic #FairyTale: `It was said that the beautiful singing of the Birds of #Rhiannon could be heard at the threshold of the #Otherworld. When #Bran`s men began their years and entertainment with his oracular head, they heard the rare singing of these birds, which was the
RT @PaulJRobichaud
‘And there came three birds, and began singing unto them a certain song, and all the songs they had ever heard were unpleasant compared…
#celtic #fairytale #Rhiannon #otherworld #Bran
Hail to #Rhiannon, the one who suffered humiliation and wrongdoings only to rise again victorious.
The strong and resilient one,
the Queen,
the Goddess,
with horses and birds and dogs at Her side,
the Divine.
So, it's time for an #introduction. I'm here after the infamous #twittermigration and still learning my way around.
Some highlights:
I live in Poland
I'm a #polytheist
#Hermes is my guide, mentor, patron and He's always been with me since I can remember
#TheMorrigan called me through a series of disturbing dreams
I also work with #Brigid and #Rhiannon
I am guarded by #ravens, #donkeys and #turtles
I'm a #Sagittarius, #Cancer rising
#introvert, quite shy
as a #witch, I mostly make #sachets and #jars and #spellbottles
I suffer from #EDS, #RA and #FMS, also bipolar
I have five #dogs, a #cat and plan to adopt #donkeys and #goats
Love: #animals #farming smelling everything
Hate: crowds, noise, presumptuous attitudes
#introduction #twittermigration #polytheist #hermes #themorrigan #Brigid #Rhiannon #ravens #donkeys #turtles #sagittarius #cancer #introvert #witch #sachets #jars #spellbottles #eds #ra #fms #Dogs #cat #goats #animals #farming
Bore da!
Gather 'round, it's #Gymraeg story time. Here's more on #Rhiannon, #Branwen, and the #Mabinogi:
#sovereignty #goddess #history #mythology #welsh #Wales #mabinogi #branwen #Rhiannon #Gymraeg
„Popular as #Epona was on the Continent and in Britain, there is no evidence of her in #Ireland and little in #Wales, where, however, we find the horse goddesses #Macha and #Rhiannon respectively.“
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @JoyParry13@twitter.com
Women had a powerful influence in #Celtic society - some were skilled horsewomen & fighters who were kept back in battle so that their skills could be passed on. #Epona & #Rhiannon were powerful goddesses associated with horses ....
#Epona #ireland #wales #macha #Rhiannon #celtic #mythology #folklore #folklorethursday #internationalwomensday
A Winter Solstice playlist featuring a mix of traditional, seasonal, and festive Welsh and English language music to get in the mood for December and the Longest Night.
Includes Welsh traditional songs such as Cân Y Fari Lwyd (The Mari Lwyd Song), Hela'r Dryw Bach (Hunting the Little Wren), and Y Gelynnen (The Holly). Also some songs about Rhiannon and Epona are sprinkled throughout.
#WinterSolstice #Yule #Byrddydd #Hirnos #AlbanArthan #Playlist #Rhiannon #Epona #WelshPaganism #GaulishPolytheism
#gaulishpolytheism #WelshPaganism #Epona #Rhiannon #playlist #AlbanArthan #Hirnos #Byrddydd #Yule #WinterSolstice
Welsh History / Mythology / Story time! New video, just posted:
#Cymraeg #history #mythology #Rhiannon
#Rhiannon #mythology #history #cymraeg
O.o, ooo, ooot! 🤓
It's Welsh history/ mythology/ story time.
E'rybody gather 'round ...
#Rhiannon #Mabinogi #Wales #Celtic #mythology #history #Celts #storytime
#storytime #celts #history #mythology #celtic #Wales #mabinogi #Rhiannon
O.o, ooo, ooot! 🤓
It's Welsh history/ mythology/ story time.
E'rybody gather 'round ...
#Rhiannon #Mabinogi #Wales #mythology #history #storytime
#storytime #history #mythology #Wales #mabinogi #Rhiannon
The first words I say
in the morning when I rise:
May Rhiannon's steeds be about my family.
I shall wear my Queen's
protection; She hears my cries.
I fear no evils when Her strong shields surround me.
I shall arm myself
splendidly with Her wisdom,
Her golden radiance will pour forth like honey.
I journey Her path,
Feel Her call in my bosom,
I follow the way She illumines before me.
I have set my mind
and intent on Her graces.
I will honor Her with my every act and breath.
Her birds' sweet singing
will wrap me in embraces
of melodious peace when my eyes close in death.
Sovereignty's saddle
borne on Her back alone,
with easy gait rides the Shining Jewel of my sky.
Rose and the apple,
Great Mother's love is Her throne.
Crown of Winter, Her shining hope lifts my heart high.
--by Jenny Brown, inspired by: "The First Word I Say" from the Black Book of Carmarthen as translated by Owen Davies in "Celtic Christianity in Early Medieval Wales" (1996). University of Wales Press, Cardiff.
#PaganPrayer #Pagan #Polytheism #DevotionalPolytheism #Rhiannon #Morning
#morning #Rhiannon #DevotionalPolytheism #polytheism #Pagan #PaganPrayer
#Celtic #FaustianFriday: `It was said that the beautiful singing of the Birds of #Rhiannon could be heard at the threshold of the #Otherworld. When #Bran`s men began their years and entertainment with his oracular head, they heard the rare singing of these birds, which was
RT @SNOOPINABOX@twitter.com
how beautiful: #Welsh mythology birds of the #Otherworld woman Rhiannon sing weary heroes to sleep #FolkloreThursday
#celtic #FaustianFriday #Rhiannon #otherworld #Bran #welsh #folklorethursday
#Celtic #FolkloreSunday: `It was said that the beautiful singing of the Birds of #Rhiannon could be heard at the threshold of the #Otherworld. When #Bran`s men began their years and entertainment with his oracular head, they heard the rare singing of these birds, which was the sign that they had entered the Otherworld.
Source: Claire Hamilton `The Celtic Book of Seasonal Meditations`
#celtic #FolkloreSunday #Rhiannon #otherworld #Bran
#Celtic #FairyTale: `It was said that the beautiful singing of the Birds of #Rhiannon could be heard at the threshold of the #Otherworld. When #Bran`s men began their years and entertainment with his oracular head, they heard the rare singing of these birds, which was the sign that they had entered the #Otherworld.
Source: Claire Hamilton `The #Celtic Book of Seasonal Meditations`
#celtic #fairytale #Rhiannon #otherworld #Bran
#FolkloreThursday #niftybuckles #Rhiannon #WelshWitch #samhain
The Goddess Rhiannon is a preeminent witch in Welsh mythology of abundance & prosperity. read more on my blog
#folklorethursday #niftybuckles #Rhiannon #WelshWitch #samhain