#SimonPeytonJones: #Haskell #Foundation Executive Director and Chief Technology Officer
> the #HaskellFoundation Interim Board has appointed
> * #AndrewBoardman as Executive Director
> * #EmilyPillmore as #CTO
> [...]
> at its first meeting the #Board elected #RichardEisenberg as its #chair, so you will be hearing more from him too
#chair #RichardEisenberg #board #cto #EmilyPillmore #AndrewBoardman #HaskellFoundation #foundation #haskell #simonpeytonjones
#Haskell #Job #Tweag
#RichardEisenberg: "Intern opening to improve #GHC #performance"
"This post describes a number of approaches the intern might take. Most of these ideas are broadly applicable to any #Haskell program, and so even those of you who do not #hack regularly on #GHC might find this useful."
#hack #performance #ghc #RichardEisenberg #Tweag #job #haskell