A song for #TuneTuesday for #FLOSS and #GNU lovers.
#fosserytech #RichardStallman #RMS #FSF #FreeSoftware #GNU #FLOSS #tunetuesday
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/a-brief-journey-through-hacker-hell
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/a-brief-journey-through-hacker-hell
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1602090906940841986#m
Richard Stallman stares, unblinking, through the windshield of a rental car, waiting for the light to change as we make our way through downtown Kihei. - https://hackernoon.com/a-brief-journey-through-hacker-hell #freeasinfreedom #richardstallman
#freeasinfreedom #RichardStallman
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/the-gnu-projects-first-milestone
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/the-gnu-projects-first-milestone
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1599010619050655745#m
By the spring of 1985, Richard Stallman had settled on the GNU Project's first milestone-a Lisp-based free software version of Emacs. - https://hackernoon.com/the-gnu-projects-first-milestone #freeasinfreedom #richardstallman
#freeasinfreedom #RichardStallman
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/the-impeach-god-message
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/the-impeach-god-message
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1591762843778842624#m
For Stallman, the "Impeach God" message worked on many levels. - https://hackernoon.com/the-impeach-god-message #freeasinfreedom #richardstallman
#freeasinfreedom #RichardStallman
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/a-portrait-of-the-hacker-as-a-young-man
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/a-portrait-of-the-hacker-as-a-young-man
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1591460861196914688#m
Around age seven, two years after the divorce and relocation from Queens, Richard took up the hobby of launching model rockets in nearby Riverside Drive Park - https://hackernoon.com/a-portrait-of-the-hacker-as-a-young-man #freeasinfreedom #richardstallman
#freeasinfreedom #RichardStallman
@svityboy @kappah @kenobit io uso da sempre #trisquel GNU/Linux e mi trovo benissimo, fra l'altro è la distro che usa anche #RichardStallman
@kenobit guarda questo intanto che prendi il libro di #RichardStallman
Guarda "Revolution OS ITA - Il documentario sul mondo del software libero" su YouTube
Hoy en el #DiadelSoftwareLibre queremos recomendarles leer:
«Software Libre para una Sociedad Libre»
Este libro recopila diversos ensayos de #RichardStallman fundador de la Free Software Fundation.
Con prólogo escrito por Lawrence Lessig creador de la iniciativa #CreativeCommons
Descárgalo en:
#creativecommons #RichardStallman #DiaDelSoftwareLibre
Not endorsing any behaviour of #RichardStallman #RMS or @fsf@twitter.com, but do keep in mind that his ideas and principles have led to all German people got the right to verify an app that the government wants to force them to use, through uncovering of a #GPL infringement.
Das Projekt schul-frei beschäftigt sich heute um 18 Uhr mit dem Themenkreis @fsf@twitter.com, @fsfe@twitter.com und #RichardStallman. Wir sehen das Verhalten aller drei Parteien kritisch. Als Projekt, das sich mit minderjährigen Kontributoren beschäftigt, müssen wir uns damit auseinandersetzen.
In 2019, I cancelled my associate membership with the Free Software Foundation (which I joined in 2004) when it came to light that the organization refused to sanction or remove its toxic founder and leader after a litany of documented abuses and unprofessional behavior, even toward me myself in the past.
While #RichardStallman (#RMS) was eventually removed from his post, this weekend it became known that the organization has allowed him back on to its Board of Directors.
#Stallman #FSF #RMS #RichardStallman
Un día como hoy nació el padre del Proyecto GNU.
Y desde el Proyecto Canaima GNU/Linux queremos desearle larga vida a #RichardStallman
Nuestro deseo: que sean muchos años mas, para seguir luchando por las Tecnologías Libres.
¡Felicidades RMS!
#SoftwareLibre #RichardStallman #TeLoContamos