Ugh. Decision time. One of the players can't make it tomorrow. Do I still run #Rifts? I built the idea for four (Techno-Wiz, Undead Slayer, Glitter Boy, and Psi-Slinger). Or do I break out another game that'd be engaging for three players? I've got a dozen ideas and three hours of prep time. #TTRPGs
11) Weirdest game you've played
A #Rifts PBEM with someone determined to shove every possible pop cultural reference he could into the game. I think he unilaterally decided that my dwarf techno-wizard was Beldin, from David Eddings Belgarian/Mallorean. I think, at one point, his Cosmo-Knight was piloting a White Star from Babylon 5.
8) Favorite Character
Probably my most memorable was in #Rifts, a True Atlantean Shifter who became a witch and died fighting his own Demon Lord to protect the retreat of King Arthur, destined to free Atlantis from Splugorth rule.
3. First Bought This year
#DriveThruRPG order history tells me it was two supplements for #Rifts #SavageWorlds
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #DriveThruRPG #Rifts #savageworlds
Day 29 at #RPGaDAY2023 #ttrpg
"Most memorable encounter?"
I'm playing catch-up, but my most memorable encounters come from my college #Rifts game. Is it the one where my Shifter/Witch faced down his Demon Lord to protect the escape of King Arthur? The one where our killbox ambush planning was interrupted by cops outside, investigating a car that was set to explode? Rolling 100d6 to kill a fire elemental with a barrel of water? Hard to say, but there were some doozies.
@FortiterGames #RPGaDay2023 Day 31: Favourite #RPG of all time.
This is hard to say, but probably #SavageWorlds. As I said earlier this month, I can't really think of anything about it that I hate.
I love #Hackmaster (the "new" edition is more than 10 years old, folks, and has been around longer than the old edition), but it's got its lumps. I grew up on #Rifts #PalladiumFantasy #Shadowrun and #2e, but I can't really go back to them.
#rpgaday2023 #rpg #savageworlds #Hackmaster #Rifts #palladiumfantasy #shadowrun #2e
Prepping to run #Robotech inspired the resurrection of #TTRPGTimewarpTuesday for #Rifts! I've still got dozens of these and have fond memories of playing in high school. The GM ran a party of six for over three years and my Atlantean Undead Slayer is still one of my favorites!
#Robotech #ttrpgtimewarptuesday #Rifts
Listen to "Too Dimensional - Episode 2: City City Bang Bang" by Too Dimensional.
So, new editions are a mixed bag. Sometimes you get to relive the glory days with friends playing an updated classic, and sometimes your gaming group fractures after one too many arguments over grenades.
In a golden age of #ttrpg production there's so much to play. I'll never get to play everything, because the list keeps growing.
For #RPGaDay2023, of new editions out this century I'd like to play, I'll go with #Rifts. Hard to say since I haven't played the new version.
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast here: 1x03 - Fight
@TheDigitalDM #Coriolis is my first #scifi #trpg experience, and I'm absolutely loving it. We're only 3 sessions in, so it's early, but I feel if this campaign were to go on for years, I'd be totally ok. 😎
One genre I really want to try out is a post-apocalyptic wasteland stuff. Like Mad Max with varying degrees of magic & weirdness. #MutantCrawlClassic, #MutantYearZero, #NeonLordsOfTheToxicWasteland, #Rifts, I'm all game.
One day! 🤞
#Coriolis #scifi #TRPG #mutantcrawlclassic #MutantYearZero #neonlordsofthetoxicwasteland #Rifts
Pinebox Middle School, Rifts® Atlantis and the Demon Seas, & More On Steam & Fantasy Grounds #Rifts®forSavageWorlds #PineboxMiddleSchool #FantasyGrounds #NewRelease #Steam #News #VTT
#Rifts #PineboxMiddleSchool #FantasyGrounds #NewRelease #steam #news #vtt
@LeviKornelsen I've been an RPG nerd since I discovered #RIFTS back in the 90s, but it's the other games of the era that are my true loves: #VampireTheMasquerade, the #WorldOfDarkness in general, #Kult, #Shadowrun, #UnknownArmies, #BluePlanet, #DeltaGreen, #LegendOfThe5Rings, but I’ve also fallen in love with #PoweredByTheApocalypse stuff and #BladesInTheDark. Always happy to talk about any of those.
By day, I'm the Director of Events at #GenCon, so also always happy to chat about conventions.
#VampireTheMasquerade #worldofdarkness #KULT #shadowrun #UnknownArmies #BluePlanet #deltagreen #legendofthe5rings #PoweredByTheApocalypse #bladesinthedark #GenCon #Rifts
@LeviKornelsen rpg wonk is a very apt way to describe me. I've been playing since I was 10~ in the 80s. #pallidium was my og faves. Then I migrated to #cyberpunk2020 , #rifts, #gurps, #mekton, and such. Before long I was diving headfirst into #oWoD, #ChampionsRPG , and well tou name it.
These days I'm all over social media. Chatting up #pathfinder2e, #starfinder , and #SineNomineGames stuff. A lot really. 30+ years of experience and experimentation. I consider myself a "teaching gm".
#pallidium #cyberpunk2020 #Rifts #gurps #mekton #oWoD #ChampionsRPG #pathfinder2e #starfinder #sinenominegames
New Savage Rifts® & Fantasy Companion Releases on Steam & Fantasy Grounds #FantasyCompanionforSWADE #Rifts®forSavageWorlds #FantasyCompanion #FantasyGrounds #NewRelease #Steam #News #VTT
#FantasyCompanionforSWADE #Rifts #FantasyCompanion #FantasyGrounds #NewRelease #steam #news #vtt