Interesting panel discussion hosted by the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, July 20, 2023:
Developing #ConvivialTechnologies for #RightLivelihood
Part of the 2023 series Schumacher Center Conversations: Envisioning the Next 50 Years
#convivialtechnologies #RightLivelihood
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Jubiläum! @FMenschenrechte @dimr Danke, dass ihr nicht aufgebt und weiter kämpft! Eure Erfolge sind beeindruckend @IFFF_WILPF @medicamondiale #Rightlivelyhood
RT @rightlivelihood: Am 4. April feiert die Organisation @medicamondiale von #RightLivelihood Preisträgerin #MonikaHauser ihren 30. Geburtstag. Wir haben uns mit Monika über die Anfänge und aktuelle Projekte unterhalten: #WomensRights
#Rightlivelyhood #RightLivelihood #MonikaHauser #WomensRights
The Concept of Right Livelihood On The Wellness Wheel
One of the steps on the 8-fold path of Buddhism is the concept of right livelihood. In general terms, this means that we're supporting ourselves in a way that is healthy for us physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and morally. For too many
#workphilosophy #workwellness #Buddhistphilosophy #EightFoldPath #RightLivelihood #workwellness
#workphilosophy #workwellness #Buddhistphilosophy #EightFoldPath #RightLivelihood
#RightLivelihood Laureate has 30+ years of experience w/ environmental movements. He has been involved in many campaigns, including the recent protests in #Lützerath.
Follow this thread for his insights on amplifying #ClimateJustice activism ⬇️
#askalaureate #RightLivelihood #Lutzerath #ClimateJustice
Know of a change-maker who deserves to be recognised for their work in peace, justice and sustainability?
Nominate them now for the #RightLivelihood Award!
Deadline: March 1, 2023 ➡️
@btaroli @stephen @shaun @actuallyautistic be aware that just because we CAN do a thing doesn't mean it's going to be good for us over the long haul.
I masked and self-medicated my way through 20+ years of fulltime tech employment in an office environment, and ultimately the combination nearly cost me my life
Had I had a DX earlier, I might have opted for part-time or #Freelance work as a writer, editor, or translator.
#AutisticElders #AutisticWomen #RightLivelihood #ActuallyAutistic
#freelance #autisticelders #autisticwomen #RightLivelihood #actuallyautistic
Illinois: 140 painful #dairy deaths 📛 #GoVegan #rightlivelihood #investinourplanet #investinnature #future #bkind
#dairy #govegan #RightLivelihood #InvestInOurPlanet #investinnature #future #bkind
Two weeks ago, 2022 #RightLivelihood Laureates and delivered a lecture at, where they talked about their human rights work through
During the #16Days of Activism, find out how they tackle #GBV in Somalia ➡️
👏Proud of, one of our leaders & part of (among many other things!) and, #RightLivelihood Laureates!
Discover how they tackle gender-based violence in their lecture for ⤵️
#16Days #16DaysofActivism #GBV
#RightLivelihood #16days #16daysofactivism #gbv
"When it comes to our community work, I take this award on behalf of Christine, Innocent, Chris, Birimuye and tens of thousands of Ugandans who were or are being displaced from their lands for mega oil projects," says Dickens Kamugisha of 2022 #RightLivelihood Laureate
Last but not least: aus 🇺🇬 erhalten den #RightLivelihood Award 2022 "für ihren mutigen Einsatz für #Klimagerechtigkeit & die Rechte von Communities bei Rohstoffprojekten in Uganda."
#RightLivelihood #klimagerechtigkeit
¡Enhorabuena! 👏👏
Das Kollektiv aus 🇻🇪 erhält den #RightLivelihood-Preis 2022. "Für die Entwicklung eines gerechten u. kooperativen Wirtschaftsmodells als robuste Alternative zu profitorientierten Volkswirtschaften."
Herzlichen Glückwunsch & aus 🇺🇦, Preisträger*innen des 2022 #RightLivelihood! Mutige #Menschenrecht|sverteidiger*innen, die in der Ukraine u.a. #Kriegsverbrechen dokumentieren, um die Verantwortlichen vor Gericht zu bringen. #UkraineWar
#RightLivelihood #menschenrecht #kriegsverbrechen #UkraineWar
🇸🇴 & erhalten den #RightLivelihood Award 2022 "Für die Förderung von Frieden, Entmilitarisierung und #Menschenrechte|n in #Somalia im Angesicht von Terrorismus und geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt."" #SGBV
#RightLivelihood #menschenrechte #somalia #SGBV
Starke Botschaft zum Beginn der Preisverleihung des #RightLivelihood Award 2022. "Das Problem ist nicht die menschliche Natur. Es sind die Wirtschaftssysteme, die auf Gier und #Ausbeutung aufgebaut sind - Systeme, die niemanden von uns gut tun."
Gleich: Livestream der Preisverleihung des #RightLivelihood Award 2022 👏
Gönnt Euch einen ☕️🍹🧉🍷 und freut Euch auf ein 90-Minuten Event, dass inspirierend, bewegend und unterhaltsam ist.
19:30 geht's los, schaltet ein
RT @rightlivelihood: ✨ TODAY IS THE DAY!
Join us at the #RightLivelihood Award Presentation to celebrate 2022 Laureates @IlwadElman & @fartunadaan, @avalaina / @ccl_ua, @RedCecosesola and @AfiegoUg!
Be part of the celebration ➡️
Today is the day! AFIEGO will, alongside 3 others, receive the #RightLivelihood Award. The award ceremony will start at 9:30pm EAT.
Read our press release:
Watch a short video featuring our work:
Watch our CEO below
RT 2/2 The poster below highlights key achievements that AFIEGO has registered, despite working in a repressive environment. Join us to celebrate. #RightLivelihood
FYI: Today is the last day of the Autumn Sale at Parallax Press (publishers of Thich Nhat Hanh's books). All Parallax products (including my book #WorkThatMatters) are 40% off today with the discount code Thankful40. Pick up some great books on #mindfulness in daily life! Shop here:
#WorkThatMatters #mindfulness #RightLivelihood #buddhism #meditation