L'ONU vote la mise en place d'une commission sur les disparu.e.s en #Syrie
Une étape vers la recherche de vérité https://n.respublicae.eu/EuroMedRights/status/1674692843422580737
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EuroMed Rights: @EuroMedRights welcomes the @UN General Assembly vote establishing a commission on the fate of the missing in #Syria.
This follows the great work carried out by civil society orgs like @SyrianCenter. A first step for families' #RightToTruth!
@mazenadarwish3 @walasmar @UN_PGA https://n.respublicae.eu/mazenadarwish3/status/1674512796560642051
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MCVergiat/status/1676260865765527553
Other topic: time is running when it comes to #Justice4Syria #RightToTruth
I met that powerful lady in #NewYork
#UNO #UN #Syria
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yasmen almashan: I always imagined you Oqba singing with me as we used to do. Today I sing with you ،we set fire to the rain. Twenty-four hours remain until voting in the #un . These will be our first steps.
#RightToTruth https://t.co/kIX8jP9Set
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1674131386196688896
#Justice4Syria #RightToTruth #newyork #UNO #UN #Syria
Just signed! And you? #Syria #Assad
Over 100,000 people are forcibly disappeared in Syria. Sign the #petition calling on @UN member states to support the vote for a new institution to uncover their fate and give answers to their families #RightToTruth https://act.thesyriacampaign.org/sign/truth-and-answers-Syrias-disappeared?akid=s110799..Jmivrs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1674132716244156418
#Syria #Assad #petition #RightToTruth
RT Caesar Families Association
The time has come, 48 hours left for the General Assembly votes to establish an institution concerned with revealing the fate of missing persons in Syria!
#RightToTruth #Rightoturth
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Caesarfamilies/status/1673805083342180352
🇬🇧Looming #extradition of #Wikileaksfounder #JulianAssage: Liberals and conservatives just PREVENTED a debate in the European Parliament on this! We #Pirates will always stand in for the #RighttoTruth - not only when it is convenient for the powerful.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/echo_pbreyer/status/1668280848322375682
#extradition #Wikileaksfounder #JulianAssage #Pirates #RightToTruth
🇬🇧Looming #extradition of #Wikileaksfounder #JulianAssage: Liberals and conservatives just PREVENTED a debate in the European Parliament on this! We #Pirates will always stand in for the #RighttoTruth - not only when it is convenient for the powerful. https://t.co/OVAj4RLH7A
#RightToTruth #pirates #JulianAssage #wikileaksfounder #extradition
Over 100,000 people are forcibly disappeared in #Syria. Sign the #petition calling on @UN member states to support the vote for a new institution to uncover their fate and give answers to their families #RightToTruth https://act.thesyriacampaign.org/sign/truth-and-answers-Syrias-disappeared
#RightToTruth #petition #syria
Danas se obilježava Međunarodni dan prava na istinu
Naše su misli sa žrtvama kršenja ljudskih prava i njihovim obiteljima, a naša odlučnost i dalje je nepokolebljiva u pozivanju Rusije na odgovornost za strašne zločine.
Ujedinjeni smo za pravdu za 🇺🇦.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1639195335867224068
Resnica bo zmagala. Pravici bo zadoščeno. #RightToTruth
EU je trdno odločena zagotoviti, da vojni zločini, storjeni v Ukrajini, ne bodo ostali nekaznovani in da bo Rusija plačala za povzročeno škodo
#StandWithUkraine 👉 https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/holding-russia-accountable_sl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1639218375317413889
#RightToTruth #StandWithUkraine
RT @EU_Commission
Truth will prevail. Justice will be served.
On the International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims we take stock of our actions to ensure that Russia pays for its crimes ↓
#RightToTruth #StandWithUkraine
Truth will prevail. Justice will be served.
On the International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims we take stock of our actions to ensure that Russia pays for its crimes ↓
#StandWithUkraine #RightToTruth
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Commission/status/1639213460717449216
#StandWithUkraine #RightToTruth