Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and share.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and share.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and share.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and share.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and disseminate.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and disseminate.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #anaesthesia #foamcc