For our local Strathclyde tooters! The #OpenAccess landscape will increasingly entail the concept of 'rights retention' and the use of 'rights retention statements' (RRS). Our colleague has usefully published a blog post about RSS and how to use it to ensure optimum openness and funder compliance.
A note to Strathclyde authors on the application of the Rights Retention Statement (RRS) #OpenResearch #OpenScience #RRS #RightsRetention
#openaccess #openresearch #openscience #rrs #RightsRetention
Rights retention language inside this paywalled article published in ‘Cancer Cell’ . I wonder if an open access author accepted manuscript version will be posted in a repository somewhere?
If anyone has access to the journal version could they please email me a copy? Thx!
We are pleased to announce the launch of the University of Oxford Rights Retention pilot!
This will help Oxford researchers make their work available immediately open access. Find out more at:
Even the (slow moving) University of Oxford now has a rights retention pilot
Perhaps simply allowing researchers to transfer exclusive rights to robber baron publishers just wasn't a good idea? 🤡 We could have started doing rights retention at scale 10 years ago but I'll take it. It is a positive development. Better late than never.
" policies for intellectual policy, research publications and copyright, and open educational resources (OER) have now been approved by the University of Sheffield’s Senate..."
University of Leeds comes out with an institutional rights retention policy, effective from from 1 January 2023.
Not long now until all universities do this. It's dumb to giveaway exclusive rights to rent seeking publishing companies.
HT Sally Rumsey
The University of St Andrews now has an institutional rights retention policy. The policy will be in effect for research outputs submitted after 01 February 2023
HT Sally Rumsey
The board of the University of Oslo adopted yesterday a Institutional Rights Retention Policy to ensure that UiO's authors retain rights to share and use their accepted manuscript version (AAM) freely
Only a matter of time until all research institutions do more to protect the rights of their authors from publishers...?
Interesting... the penny just dropped for me reading this thread:
It's _really_ important to follow hashtags (as in click the button!) you're interested in here on Mastodon! You'll see posts from people you don't follow using that hashtag. I'm definitely going to make sure I'm now following the hashtags for:
#OpenAccess #OpenScience #OAmonographs #OpenData #RightsRetention et cetera...
#openaccess #openscience #oamonographs #opendata #RightsRetention #newhere
@petersuber How do you think the copyright pilot project relates to the trends in #RightsRetention?
Is the pilot project in direct competition with rights retention policies?
Is it an attempt by #Elsevier to carve out an alternative path on copyright where they concede to some degree of rights retention while preserving a great deal of copyright control? If so, do people have thoughts on how defining "a period of time" could impact the significance of the concession to authors?
Open Science Policies at the University of Edinburgh: Putting Policy into Practice [from the 17th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing, 2022]
Landing Page:
Video Recording Link:
#RightsRetention #openaccess #munin2022
The recording (& written transcript) of the excellent OASPA webinar on rights retention for books and book chapters is now up online:
#RightsRetention #openaccess #oamonographs
@JessButler @simonjbains Incredible work! I have so much respect for universities and research institutions that adopt rights retention policies. The more that do, the fewer options publishers will have but to accept the necessity of manuscript sharing in repositories. Such policies are a real act of #solidarity ✊
#OpenAccess #RightsRetention
#solidarity #openaccess #RightsRetention
Aberdeen's University Librarian @simonjbains announced our new rights retention policy today!
Seems niche, but is super important for fighting the supervillains in for-profit publishing.
Uni staff can no longer be made to sign over copyright to publish. All work will be made freely available to all in the university repository.
We have an amazing Open Research Team at the library 📚 🦸♀️ 🏆. Thank you!
Full details:
#openaccess #openresearch #RightsRetention #librarydon
Interesting to see this published behind a paywall at Nature Genetics
The authors have used the rights retention strategy, the statement is clearly there in the acknowledgements (which sit outside the paywall at this journal). But I can't yet find the full text open copy they have the right to upload to EuropePMC.
Paywalled version:
EuropePMC entry for it:
RT @ashleydfarley
If you need another reason that #hybrid journals are a harmful model for #openaccess I'm not even sure what to think of this example from @CambPressAssess. This does against #RightsRetention #cOAlitionS #DubiousValueAdd
What if there had been a preprint?
#hybrid #openaccess #RightsRetention #coalitions #DubiousValueAdd