Het vervangen van het afdichtrubber kan alleen door een monteur gedaan worden voor minstens 230 euro. Wat een verspilling. In de toekomst hoeven we vriezers hopelijk niet meer massaal bij het grofvuil te zetten dankzij #RighttoRepairEurope
The dial on our microwave from the 70s broke today. Considering making a 3D model of it and printing out a new one. They really don't make things the way they used to anymore. Imagine after 50 years of frequent use, the thing that broke was a plastic piece on the dial that adjusts the output. I hope it lasts another 50+ years.
#righttorepair #RighttoRepairEurope
As cars get more and more electronics, imagine what happens when an automobile manufacturer goes bankrupt?
To avoid cars that are bricks after a few years, regulators should force them to store all documentation in escrow, to be released when mandated by the regulator.
#RighttoRepairEurope #righttorepair
As cars get more and more electronics, imagine what happens when an automobile manufacturer goes bankrupt?
To avoid cars that are bricks after a few years, regulators should force them to store all documentation in escrow, to be released when mandated by the regulator.
#RighttoRepairEurope #righttorepair
Do you have an old iPad in a drawer that works fine, but is simply outdated?
When manufacturers of electronic equipment stop providing support and updates, they should release documentation so others can take over.
Many people have unsupported gadgets that still work fine, but are useless or insecure because they don't get updates. Phones and tablets are a great example.
#RighttoRepairEurope #righttorepair
Do you have an old iPad in a drawer that works fine, but is simply outdated?
When manufacturers of electronic equipment stop providing support and updates, they should release documentation so others can take over.
Many people have unsupported gadgets that still work fine, but are useless or insecure because they don't get updates. Phones and tablets are a great example.
#RighttoRepairEurope #righttorepair
Fix it: Maak repareren weer makkelijk en betaalbaar!
De Europese Commissie breekt haar belofte om in november met Right to Repair-wetgeving te komen.
Terwijl we tegen steeds meer elektronisch afval en een tekort aan onmisbare grondstoffen aanlopen, blijft de Europese Commissie cruciale wetgeving uitstellen. Wetgeving die #EU-inwoners eindelijk het recht geven op #reparatie, op #recycling en op #hergebruik van hun #ElektronischeApparaten.
#eu #reparatie #recycling #hergebruik #elektronischeapparaten #RighttoRepairEurope
#Dutch In plaats van het consumptie'feest' #BlackFriday2022 biedt #Bever op 25/11 gratis schoenonderhoud en kledingreparatie aan. Wel even aanmelden als Buitenvriend. #ClimateCrisis #RightToRepairEurope #Recycle #ForFutureFridays https://www.bever.nl/forfuturefridays.html
#dutch #blackfriday2022 #bever #climatecrisis #RighttoRepairEurope #recycle #forfuturefridays