Finding #RingsOfSaturn a very calming game, but I'm buggered if I can work out *why* I'm mining all this stuff. The implication is "there's lore out there" and "buy better mining stuff" but I haven't seen the former and the latter doesn't appeal.
The rings tower high over the midnight horizon with Saturn's shadow cast over them. A bit of artwork I made for @badastro last week.
This image combines Cassini imagery of Titan, Enceladus, and the Rings with a NASA star map, and a picture of overcast clouds I took from and airplane a few years ago. The rings were rerendered for the atmospheric perspective and the shadow.
#Saturn #Rings #RingsOfSaturn #Space #Science #computergraphics #blender3d
#saturn #rings #RingsOfSaturn #space #science #computergraphics #blender3d
Love this podcast. Need to re-read The Rings of Saturn. #WGSebald #RingsOfSaturn
An oblique view of Saturn looking over the ring shadows on towards an almost Earthly blue upper atmosphere. The varying thicknesses of the rings are apparent in the shadows of differing darknesses.
Processed using natural color images taken by NASA's Cassini orbiter on February 14 2017.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/CICLOPS/Kevin M. Gill
#science #space #RingsOfSaturn #cassini #saturn
Saturn's rings in natural color during equinox. Processed using images taken by NASA's Cassini orbiter on August 31 2009. The rings are facing the Sun edge-on and appear dark as a result.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/CICLOPS/Kevin M. Gill
#science #space #cassini #nasa #RingsOfSaturn #saturn
Sometimes, material in Saturn's rings can accrete into tiny moonlets. Generally temporary, these can be a few hundred meters wide and create disturbances in the rings know as 'propellers'.
Both images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/CICLOPS/Kevin M. Gill
#Saturn #RingsOfSaturn #Space #Science #Astrodon #Cassini #NASA
#nasa #cassini #Astrodon #science #space #RingsOfSaturn #saturn