For my #Android training next week at #RingZer0, please:
- Install Docker CE
- Install my container: docker pullcryptax/android-re:latest
- Install Android Studio
- If possible, use Linux (it's tested on it)
- Be sure to have: SSH or VNC client, a recent Java JDK, a recent Python (3+), Discord & Zoom clients, your favorite editor.
Note: you do NOT need an Android smartphone, and actually, it's *dangerous* to use it :D
We will be using Android emulators all the time.
cc: @ringzer0
Finished creating an exercise for my @ringzer0 training where we use #Medusa to unpack X layers of a Android/Joker sample of yesterday
sha256: eb46541e2991a20c20fca66e51a705a309e6576296c435126ac369ba41e6bff5
#Android #malware #ringzer0 #training
Just another incentive to register! :D
#medusa #android #malware #Ringzer0 #training
The #Ringzer0 scholarship sponsors free trainings for women! Don't hesitate to apply, deadline is June 25. I was selected last session and attended the amazing #BootPwn training by