have noticed an uptick of chicks on the stroll on 82's and on the north side of sandy and 82nd... lots of scantily clad white girls... working it... like late 90's early 2000's style. what's up with that? #pdx #RipCity #stumptown
have seen the same drone flying over buckman late night several nights in a row now. did portland police get their pilot program off the ground already? or can i shoot that bitch out of the sky for invading my airspace? asking for a friend. #pdx #ripcity
RT @evanempdx: Here's a fun stat for my #RipCity peeps!
Do you know who has played in the most games for the Blazers this season?
Shaedon Sharpe.
Rookie. 19 years old. 65 games.
Incredible. https://t.co/sR3zotjQoM
blazers game is NOT blacked out on ESPN like it usually is. funny, that. #RipCity
actually this would be more appropriate for oregon.
#RipCity #pdx #stumptown #pdxtst #ORwx
#RipCity #pdx #stumptown #pdxtst #orwx
here's me getting ready for the next "weather event" in portland...
#RipCity #pdx #stumptown #pdxtst #ORwx
#RipCity #pdx #stumptown #pdxtst #orwx
your point guard could never....
Damian Lillard over his last 20 games:
1x 70 Point game
1x 60 point game
1x 50 point game
6x 40 point games
#RipCity #pdx #stumptown
Lillard ends with career-high 71 points (8th highest in NBA history) and 13 3-pointers (2nd highest in NBA history) #ripcity
Wow! Damian Lillard with 41 pts in the first half! Scoring at will. #ripcity
had a weed emergency so I had to leave the house. I'm from Massachusetts so I've got the gear but this is exactly why I don't live in Massachusetts. wind chill in the low 20's? fuck this bullshit. got a free lighter and dude double punched my card so I've got that going for me.
under the snow is about an inch and half of solid ice. so let's be careful out there...
pretty much stay home tomorrow. everything is closed.
#pdxtst #RipCity #stumptown #orwx
#pdxtst #RipCity #stumptown #orwx
i'm from western massachusetts. i grew up driving in the snow. in fact... i took my driving test on an open road... with an armed state trooper next to me administering the test... in the midst of a snowstorm... i have an all wheel drive car and the best snow tires you can buy:
i don't even bother to put them on my car b/c y'all can't drive and the snow is never on the ground long enough to go through the effort. stay off the roads!
#pdxtst #RipCity #stumptown #orwx
#pdxtst #RipCity #stumptown #orwx
3... 2.... 1... countdown to the dude bros in my neighborhood busting out their snowmobiles and illegally riding on the streets... open throttle at 01:00 a.m. just to make sure everyone knows how cool they are.
#pdx #RipCity #stumptown
cars are starting to lose traction on the hill on se belmont eastbound between 10th and 12th... if you don't have winter tires or chains and some experience driving in the snow. probably best to stay home at this juncture. your random AWD car/crossover isn't going to cut it as the weather deteriorates... #pdxtst #RipCity #stumptown #orwx
#pdxtst #RipCity #stumptown #orwx
it's basically white-out conditions now. lol.
#pdxtst #RipCity #stumptown #orwx
#pdxtst #RipCity #stumptown #orwx